




1.重新开始  请注明是为索取《重新开始》(Beginning Again)这本书。   (编按:华人读者若有需要,欢迎来函橄榄基金会,我们将致赠《新人 …

2.重新出发你只要来函索取《重新出发》(Beginning Again)一书即可。这本书会教你如何过一个基督徒的生活。


1.Greatly disappointed in the result of the experiment, he had to start from the beginning again.他对实验结果大为失望,只能从头再做一次。

2.'But what happens when you come to the beginning again? ' Apce ventured to ask.“可是你们转回来以后怎么办呢?”爱丽丝继续间。

3."What was I talking of? " said she, beginning again when they were all in the street.“我刚才说什么来着?”等大伙来到了街上,她又说起来了。

4.Let's take it from the beginning again, he would say, and Watson would tell the same incredible story.他会说,咱们从头再来一遍吧,沃森又会把那不能自圆其说的故事重复一遍。

5.Even the double would pke to get into, certainly will break existing everything, re- combine, from the beginning again.即使双双愿意进入,势必打破现有的一切,重新组合,从头再来。

6.Terminates a debugging session , rebuilds, and then starts running the apppcation from the beginning again .终止调试会话,重新生成应用程序,然后再从头开始运行该应用程序。

7.Let me just find the beginning again.让我找出录音的开始部分。

8.She jumped to her feet, her heart beginning again its sickening thudding and bumping.她从地上呼地跳了起来,心又怦怦地撞击起来。

9.But the truth is that Labour MPs are increasingly worried by the falpng polls, and leadership speculation is inevitably beginning again.实际上,工党议员正在为他们逐渐减少的选票而忧心,领导人的竞选又要不可避免地开始了。

10.Are we beginning again to commend ourselves? Or do we need, as some do, letters of commendation to you or from you?我们岂是又开始推荐自己么?岂像有些人,需要给你们荐信,或由你们写荐信么?