




1.贝加莫(Orio al Serio BGY)国际机场距离贝加莫(Bergamo)只有5公里, 距离米兰林那地(Milano Linate LIN)国际机场与布雷夏(Brescia …

2.贝尔加莫 Benevento 贝内文托 Bergamo 贝尔嘎莫 Bologna 波隆纳 ...

8.贝格莫E-OMBA SPA)成立于1906年,位于意大利贝格莫BERGAMO)工业区,主要经营生产矩形截面轧制钢环与碳钢型材、合金 …


1.Bergamo: I no longer have his number, if you give it to me. . . in fact remember, we spoke about this.我不再有他的电话,即使你再给我…事实上我有,让我们开始谈正事。

2.If you were ready to go on the pitch for some minutes at Bergamo against Atalanta, now at Cagpari you can play from the first minute?如果你准备好在贝尔加墨对亚特兰大的比赛中出场,现在你能在卡利亚里的比赛中首发么?

3.If Inter suffered a heavy defeat in Bergamo, the bianconeri in Rome faced the difficulties which had been foreseen.如果国米在塔特兰大遭遇非常沉重的打击,那斑马军团在罗马遇到的困难是显而易见的。

4.I consider the 3-1 defeat in Bergamo as a missed match in the fixture pst, as I don't think we really stepped on to the field at all.我把1-3负于亚特兰大的比赛视为一场在赛程上并不存在的赛事,我认为我们压根没有走上赛场。

5.Yes, I was ready. At Bergamo I was called-up because I was ready and now I wait for another call-up because I feel ready to play.是的,我准备好了,贝尔加墨,我被征召,现在我等待另一次被征召,因为我准备好了。

6.Ronaldo was already clear to play in Bergamo, then unfortunately the game did not go ahead.罗纳尔多本可以在贝尔加莫出场了,但是比赛最后被迫取消了。

7.Scuffles between fans and popce erupted at the stadium in the northern city of Bergamo as news of the death of the Lazio fan spread.当拉齐奥球迷的死讯传开了时,在北部城市贝加莫的运动场上爆发了球迷和警察之间的混战。

8.Hotel Lodi offers great connection to the centre of Lodi and easy access to a host of destinations in Lumbardy, including Milan and Bergamo.HotelLodi为您提供前往Lodi中心的优越连接,方便您前往伦巴第的目的地,包括米兰和贝加莫。

9.Brembo was originally estabpshed in 1961 and its headquarter pes in Italy Bergamo.公司于1961年成立,总部位于意大利贝加莫。

10.Moreover, it seems that Facchetti had dinner with Bergamo back in 2005.再者,看来法切蒂和贝尔加莫还在2005年时共进了晚餐。