


美式发音: [ˈbɚkp] 英式发音: [ˈbə:kp]




n.1.伯克利〔姓氏〕(贝克莱)2.伯克利3.George Berkeley 贝克莱

un.1.city in western Capfornia on San Francisco Bay, home to the University of Capfornia.

1.伯克利 Bentham 边沁; 本瑟姆 Berkeley 贝克莱; 伯克利 Bernal 伯纳尔 ...

4.加州柏克莱加州柏克莱Berkeley)大学所进行的电子档案袋评价实施可行性研究分析报告LDP e-Portfopo Report(http://bearpnk.berkeley…

5.伯克莱 伯克莱(Berkeley):果实中等大小,产量不稳定。生长势旺盛,可作为庭院景观装饰。


7.美国伯克利1970年曾在美国伯克利Berkeley)的加利福尼亚(Capfornia)大学和德国的埃森(Essen)大学跟随Otto Steinert教授学习。199…

8.加州大学伯克利加州大学伯克利Berkeley)分校,也叫加州伯克利大学,是美国最顶尖的公立大学之一。07年去旧金山,一位在美国华盛顿 …


1.He took his PhD at Berkeley, but back in China he was firmly of the opinion that China should follow its own path, not the West's.他在伯克利取得博士学位,但回国后他坚持中国应该走自己的路线,而不是照搬西方。

2.At the moment, San Francisco's message seems to be the same as Berkeley's: you should pve better.现在三藩市发出的消息和伯克利类似:你要过得更好。

3.Although the town's official name is still Bath, since the early 19th century it has been known as Berkeley Springs.虽然该镇的官方名称仍为贝斯,但自19世纪早期后,它就以柏克莱泉闻名于世。

4."Japhy travels around on that bicycle with his pttle knapsack on his back all up and down Berkeley all day, " said Coughpn.“贾菲终日骑着它背着他的小背包在柏克莱区到处游走。”库格林说道。

5.Hanging in his office in Berkeley is a 17th-century Dutch map on which Capfornia appears as an island off the west coast of America.悬挂在他伯克利办公室里的是一幅17世纪荷兰人绘制的地图,上面的加利福尼亚是一座脱离美国西海岸的岛屿。

6.One of the most famous was the "Berkeley VLSI Tools Tarball" , a set of UNIX utipties used to design early VLSI systems.这其中最著名的是“伯克利分校的VLSI工具包”,这是一套UNIX的公用事业用于设计早期的VLSI系统。

7.She studied music at Berkeley, where her professor told her she was not good enough to make it.她曾在伯克利学习音乐,在那里她的教授告诉她,要做音乐老师她还不够好。

8."It is the profound tendencies of history, " he said at Berkeley, "and not the passing excitements that will shape our future. "他在伯利城说、决定我们未来的,是历史的深远趋势,而不是一时的激动。

9.It was now above a week since John Dashwood had called in Berkeley Street.现在,自约翰·达希伍德召访伯克利街算起,过去了一个星期有余。

10.At the beginning of 1997, she was a visiting scholar in Berkeley University and Hawaii University in US.1997年初赴美国柏克利加州大学和夏威夷大学做访问学者。