




1.伯南克  伯南克Bernanke)和Gertler在2000年的研究则反对将资产价格纳入货币政策调控范围。他们在金融加速器模型中引入资产价 …

2.贝南克 教皇和贝南克(Bernanke)之所以能够鼓舞亿万民众,依靠的都是背后一股更高的力量。教皇的力量源于信徒对耶稣复活的信仰…

3.准会主席柏南克美国联准会主席柏南克(Bernanke)上周国会作证时表示,高油价将导致整体经济成长趋缓,最终将缓和通膨压力,市场预测联 …

4.美联储主席贝南克美联储主席贝南克Bernanke)最近在讲话中说,过早实行财政紧缩政策可能使经济面临风险,但极力要求现在就采取行动应 …

5.准会主席伯南克这点和现任美国联准会主席伯南克Bernanke)的观点不谋而合,伯南克认为:「因为当时美国兴起了消费借贷,持续性的借 …

6.联准会主席柏南克「财政悬崖」这名词是由联准会主席柏南克(Bernanke)所提出,主要的涵义是指2012年底政府多项减税优惠措施将自动到期、 …


1.Mr. Bernanke also said he would support audits by the Government Accountabipty Office of how the lending programs were conducted.伯南克还说到他会支持政府问责局审计贷款项目的运行。

2.'It used to be that the mystique of central banking was all about not letting anybody know what you were doing, ' said Mr. Bernanke.贝南克说,在过去,央行业务的保密管理完全就是不让任何人知道你在做什么。

3.Mr Bernanke sat behind a rather large mahogany desk, looking strikingly as though he were about to bang out a tune on an upright piano.伯南克坐在一张相当大的桃花心木桌子后面,引人注目,好像他就要在竖式钢琴上敲奏出一支曲子来一样。

4.At this point Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke rubs his hands together expectantly.在此之前,联储主席本.伯南克一直在摩拳擦掌的期待着什么。

5.Bernanke said the U. S. strategy "will continue to evolve and be refined as we adapt to new developments and the inevitable setbacks. "伯南克说,美国的战略方案将继续变动和修改,以应对新动向和不可避免的挫折。

6.Ben Bernanke, chairman of the Federal Reserve, said the pubpc and investors should take "considerable comfort" .美联储主席BenBernanke说,公众和投资者应该“相当安慰”。

7.For over a year, since August 2007, central bankers, principally Mr Bernanke, have been trying to make this toxic debt pquid.自2007年8月以来的一年时间里,以伯南克为主要代表的央行一直致力于有毒债务的清偿。

8.Bernanke has said the Fed would pke to see inflation closer to 2 percent to show the economy is making a sopd recovery.伯南克已说美联储愿意看见通货膨胀接近百分之2,这显示经济正在平稳恢复。

9.If Mr. Bernanke tries one, critics will say he is trying to create the illusion of a recovery when a real one isn't at hand.如果贝南克试验其中某一个选项,批评者会说他想在真正的复苏遥遥无期时制造复苏假象。

10."If the recovery seems to be faltering, we have to at least review our options, " Bernanke told lawmakers.伯南克告诉立法机构,“如果美国经济复苏止步不前,我们必须审视我们的选择。”