


美式发音: [ˈbɚnˌstaɪn] 英式发音: [bə:nˈstein]





1.伯恩斯坦 berkeyite 天蓝石 bernstein 琥珀 Berquem,Ludwig Van 比尔凯姆 ...

4.伯恩斯坦研究公司 本茨 Benz 伯恩施坦 Bernstein 贝西默 Bessemer ...

7.柏恩斯坦柏恩斯坦Bernstein)研究公司估算,由於政府禁令造成产量延迟,再加上遵循新法导致成本攀高,新深海钻油的边际成本恐 …

8.贝恩斯坦投行贝恩斯坦Bernstein)分析师对摩托罗拉网络业务估值为10亿-20亿美元,因其网络部门缺乏规模,预计有可能被一家较大 …


1.What was it about Leonard Bernstein that made him do so well in such a difficult situation?是什么原因让伦纳德伯恩斯坦即使面对如此艰困的情况,却仍能表现出色?

2.Bernstein said he has "great respect" for Druckenmiller, but that consequences of a brief default might be too severe for the U. S. economy.伯恩斯坦称,他“很尊敬”Druckenmiller,但短暂违约的后果对美国经济而言或许太过严重。

3.Mahler, who was Leonard Bernstein's idol has always been a source of inspiration to me.马勒是伯恩斯坦的偶像,同时也一直是我灵感的来源。

4."Follow the money" might have been the mantra for Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in investigating the Watergate scandal.“跟着钱走”或许是鲍勃•伍德沃德(BobWoodward)和卡尔•伯恩斯坦(CarlBernstein)在调查水门丑闻时的口号。

5.Last October, one of its founders, Robert Bernstein, said HRW had failed to take account of Israel's status as an open society.去年十二月,它的创建者之一,罗伯特·伯恩斯坦说,人权观察没有考虑到以色列作为一个开放社会的国际地位。

6.This notion, if taken seriously, is "incomprehensible" , says Ms Bernstein. Profits are easy to measure.伯恩斯坦说,如果细细考察这一理念就会发现它是“不可理解的”。

7.In December he ordered a review of Alfa's operations, which according to Max Warburton of Bernstein Research were losing up to $575m a year.十二月他下令对阿尔法的运作进行回顾;根据Bernstein研究所的MaxWarburton的数据,阿尔法当年亏损5.75亿美元。

8.Bernstein & Co. forecast that, in terms of loan losses, '2009 will rank as the weakest year since the Great Depression.Bernstein&Co。的分析师周二在一份报告中预测,就贷款损失而言,2009年将是自大萧条以来最糟糕的一年。

9."You don't have to go through Congress, which means you might actually be able to do it, " Bernstein said.说到,不需要经过国会,也就意味着你可以直接这样去做。

10.By Phipp Bernstein and Eric Newcomer is a fine introduction to the subject; it covers a lot of history as well as concepts.是关于这个主题的一篇优秀介绍文章,它涵盖了这个主题的许多历史以及概念。