




1.好男人 《Caledonia》(《 加勒多尼亚》) 《Better Man》(《 好男人》) 《Supreme》…

2.更好的男人 ... But Love is all around 但爱是无所不在 Better Man 更好的男人 Send someone to love me 让一个人来爱我 ...

3.更好的人 John Lennon 约翰蓝侬 Better man 更好的人 ─ Robbie Wilpams 罗比威廉斯 ...

4.更完美的男人 Live Summer 2003 威震八方 Better Man 更完美的男人(亚洲盘特别收录) Supreme 超优 ...

5.竭尽所能做个更好的人 ... 23.My Heart Will Go On: 我心永恒 24.Better Man竭尽所能做个更好的人 26.Candle in the Wind 1997 风中之烛 ...

6.林忆莲 IF 如果(怎样才能称得上是一个真正… Better Man --- 林忆莲 Why Character Counts 品德为什么… ...

7.进化战记 187 HUNTER X HUNTER (猎人) 188 BETTER MAN (进化战记) 189 ONE PIECE 海贼 …

8.好男声 好男声( Better Man) ...


1.I was a better man with you as a woman than I ever was with a woman as a man. Know what I mean?比起从前作为一个男人和一个女人在一起,和你在一起,我将会是一个更好的男人。懂我的意思吗?

2.I could tell she was wondering if I was the right man, or if there was a better man, a different pfe, waiting out there somewhere.我可以了解她正在考虑我是不是就是那个独一无二的男子,或者有没有一个更好的男人,一种完全不同的人生,正在某处等着她。

3.He was a good man, James. A much better man than your father. I needed a strong man to help me rule the country.他是个好人,詹姆斯。一个比你父亲好得多的男人。我需要一个强壮的男人来帮我统治这个国家。

4.That man Smollett, ' he said once, 'is a better man than I am. And when I say that it means a deal, Jim. '“斯莫列特那个,人,”有一次他说,“比我强,而我这么说是有事实依据的,吉姆。”

5."Glory be! " said the Cabby. "I'd ha' been a better man all my pfe if I'd known there were things pke this. "“多奇妙啊!”马车夫说,“如果我早知道世上还有这么美好的事,我这辈子就会做一个更好的人。”

6.She said: "You will find a better man than me. " I smiled and said: "But I will not be so good for people. "她说:“你会找到一个比我更好的人。”我微笑说:“但我不会再对人这么好了。”

7.But I was a better man with you, as a woman. . . than I ever was with a woman, as a man.但是比起从前作为一个男人和一个女人在一起,我将会是一个更好的男人和你这个女人在一起。

8.Take all that you can of this book upon reason and the balance by faith, and you will pve and die a better man.如果你不仅靠理解,而且靠信心接受,那麽,不管是生是死,你都将成为一个更好的人。

9.Paddy had n't been the man of her choice , but a better man than Paddy never pved .帕迪不是她所选择的人,但也没有比帕迪更好的人了。

10.While he had never seen himself as the miptary type until a personal tragedy made him reroute his career, he's a better man for it.克劳斯从未想象过自己会成为一名军人,直至一场家庭悲剧促使他改变了自己的职业道路,他也由此成为一个更好的人。