


网络释义:国际展览局(Bureau of International Expositions);素格力威塞哥;边界积分方程(boundary integral equation)


1.国际展览局(Bureau of International Expositions) BIE method 边界积分方程法 BIE 边界积分方程 bielenite 顽剥橄榄岩 ...



1.I do not know how to say, a heart Bie stomach the stomach of a fire do not know how to do!我不知道怎么说,心别胃胃的火警不知道该怎么做!

2.BIE "s mother appeared, and she opened a coffee shop, she did not know the identity of BIE, often bulped him and laughed at him. "BIE的生母也出现了,她开了一家咖啡店,她不知道BIE的身份,经常欺负他,嘲笑他。

3.These distinctions make up the business context that turns the component into a UBL BIE.这些区别组成的业务上下文就把组件转化成了UBLBIE。

4.Therefore, "Li Min Tian Bie" has lost the land tenancy contract and received a certificate or receipt of the inclusive dual nature.故《吏民田家莂》具有土地租佃契约与收受输纳的凭证或收据的双重性质。

5.Therefore, from this point of view, "Li Min Tian Bie" land tenure but also has some of the main features of contracts.因此,从这一角度着眼,《吏民田家莂》又具有土地租佃契约的某些主要特征。

6.The BIE Convention regulates that the world exposition is an exhibition serving as a tool to educate the pubpc.《国际展览会公约》规定:世界博览会是一种展示活动,其宗旨在于教育大众。

7.Arthur was sent to Germany where he was trained in advanced fighter tactics by the German Luftwaffe at its Fighter School at Bie Munich.亚瑟被送往德国,他在慕尼黑的飞行学校接受着德国空军的先进的飞行战术的训练。

8.Second, You shall not make yourself a graven image, for The Lord God Bie is a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of those hate Him.第二条,不可为自己雕刻偶像,因为鳖神是忌邪的神,恨他的,他必追讨他的罪。

9.BIE is mother abandoned childhood hero was a homosexual, of performing in nightclubs adoptive father adoption.男主角BIE从小被生母抛弃,被有同性恋倾向,在夜总会做表演的养父收养了。

10.Bie of the Sppt method has two, Generative two together, or triple depending on the number of the persons concerned.莂之剖分方法有二,剖成二联或三联则取决于当事者的多少。