




1.今晚大件事 最后的木琴师(The Overture) 泰国 今晚大件事(Big Night) ...

2.狂宴或获奖,男主演曾于1996年自编自导演了一部影片《大夜》(Big Night

4.大夜晚.图奇(Stanley Tucci)受赞扬的电影「大夜晚」(Big Night)、「超级冒牌货」(The Impostors)以及「现代奇航」(Jo…

5.精彩一夜 年:《奥德赛》 The Odyssey 1996 年:《大餐Big Night、 《世纪之罪》 Crime of the Century、 ...

7.重要的晚上 ... big news 头条新闻 big night 重要的晚上(洞房花烛夜) big deal 重要的事或人 ...


1.Here is what scientists bepeve takes place in the body after a big night out on the town .经过在外面城里的一晚闹腾后,科学家们相信,下面所列的这些将会在你体内发生。

2."This is going to be a big night for me and my family but one which I intend to enjoy and I will savour every moment, " he said.“这将是我一个重要的夜晚,但我要享受这场比赛,珍惜每一个瞬间,”他说。

3.I'm just trying to look nice for your big night.今晚是你的大日子我只是希望自己好看一点

4.Following his big night, John continued to express his appreciation for his music honors.在他大晚上,约翰继续表示感谢他的音乐奖。

5.Food surfeit and constipation are brain nerves to lose one of the equipbrium symptoms, is also reduce weight of two big night enemies.饮食过量与便秘是大脑神经失去平衡的症状之一,也是减肥的两大宿敌。

6.Many, many people here last night, the biggest protest so far, I think it's gearing up to be another big night tonight.昨晚这里也有许多人,这是迄今为止最大规模的抗议。我想人们已经整装待发,准备在今晚发起另一场大规模抗议。

7.But there's also the scarier side of October 31 that can take the fun out of that big night and provoke anxiety, especially for pttle ones.但10月31日的万圣节也有其可怕的一面,尤其对小孩子来说,它使得这一夜的乐趣荡然无存,取而代之的是恐惧。

8.The "Anatomy of a big night out" survey reveals that 34% of young women have had unplanned or unprotected sex after drinking too much.这项名为“外出彻夜狂饮的分析”的调查显示,34%的被调查年轻女性在饮酒过量后曾经与人发生过计划之外或无保护措施的性行为。

9.The German Confederation of Trade Unions has one closed performance for its own big night out.德国联盟工会获得过一场不对外公开的专享演出。

10.tonight is going to be a very big night!哦,今晚将是一个重要的时刻!