




1.大麻烦剧奖颁奖现场上夺人眼球的亮相之后,她在迪斯尼影片《大麻烦》(Big Trouble) 中得到了她的第一个好莱坞角色,2002年出 …

2.麻烦大了德(Barry Sonnenfeld)执导的喜剧《麻烦大了》(Big Trouble);另外还有《全民公敌》(Enemy of the State)以及《Kissing a Fo…

3.麻烦问题 Market Potention 市场机会 Big Trouble 麻烦问题 Ask Mentor 最后一问 ...

4.大茶包报,他们以后会来检查,如果发现再犯他们会遭到起诉,麻烦会很大很大big trouble)。

6.小心眼大阴谋 Ø 1984年《爱的激流》 Love Streams Ø 1986年《小心眼大阴谋Big Trouble Animation: …

7.遇到麻烦了 ... Open House( 学校开放日) Big Trouble遇到麻烦了) ...

8.茶煲暗杀任务的其他作品有《小心,女人!》(Abandon)、《茶煲暗杀任务》(Big Trouble)、《The Good Girl》、《Live Free Or Die …


1.And yet, you know, without them, Sipcon Valley would be in big trouble.尽管如此,要知道,缺了他们硅谷可就麻烦了。

2.But the numbers are getting high enough to at least raise the prospect of big trouble for the global economy.但价格水平已经高得至少足以给全球经济酝酿大麻烦。

3.Your hanging around with him is going to end up in a big trouble.你和他鬼混在一起肯定不会有好结果的。

4.driver and labourer and his mother was busy with his younger brother and sister, he started getting into trouble-- big trouble.他的父亲当卡车司机和工人,母亲忙于照顾弟弟和妹妹,他就开始惹是生非----捅大娄子。

5.Anyway, to get back to my original point: If you're a man, and a woman asks you how she looks, you're in big trouble.不管怎样,让我们回到先前的出发点:如果你是位男士,有个女人问你她相貌如何,你可就有大麻烦了。

6.And that'll get him in big trouble with both Jews and Jewish Christians, Jewish followers of Jesus.这会使他有大麻烦,不管是对犹太人还是犹太基督徒,耶稣的犹太追随者。

7.Everyone who was in his presence was afraid, me too, because you knew that he could just look at you and you would be in big trouble.在他在场的时候每个人都很害怕,我也一样,因为你知道的,他可能就这样看着你,而你就麻烦大了。

8.Hoping it was all just a joke, I asked to look at the gun, knowing that if they refused I was definitely in big trouble.我要求他们让我看一看手枪,心想如果他们拒绝我,那麻烦就大了。

9.Make promises you know you can keep . If you mess up on this stage , you're in big trouble.做出你知道自己能遵守的承诺。如果在这一个阶段。。没做好,你就遇到了大麻烦。

10.Big Pharma is in big trouble, but it may yet find comfort in the arms of that erstwhile foe.尽管大型药厂遭遇大的困境,但是它们仍可以在与昔日对手的联合中找到安慰。