





2.惊婚计 ... 2003年 《冷山》 Cold Mountain 2001年 《惊婚计Birthday Girl 2002年 《命运交错》 Changing Lanes ...

3.生日女孩基德曼(Nicole Kidman)主演的电影《 生日女孩 》( Birthday Girl )进行首映,罗素-克洛(Russell Crowe)也出现在开幕式上为妮 …

4.寿星女孩 ... 1. Pop Step Jump( 凌空一跃)! 8. birthday girl( 寿星女孩) 12. ALL IN ALL( 所有的一切) ...

5.派对女郎 ... Paris Lover 巴黎情人 Birthday Girl 生日少女 Graduation Girl 毕业女生 ...

7.惊婚记2003年《冷峰》《人性污点》   2002年 《惊婚记》(Birthday Girl)《时时刻刻》(The hours)  2001年 《红磨坊》 (Moupn Roug…


1.One day birthday girl, boy birthday party in her gave her a lovely stuff bears, in a variety of birthday gifts, this is hardly the gift.一天生日的女孩,男孩给她的生日派对在她的生日礼物各种可爱的东西熊,这是很难的礼物。

2.By noon, half of the children are crying, including the birthday girl, who throws herself onto the ground and refuses to get up.到中午的时候,一半的小孩哭起来了,包括小寿星,在地上打滚就是不起来。

3.Who spilled the secret that we are going to hold a surprise party ? Now everyone knows , including the birthday girl .谁泄露了我们要准备惊喜派对的秘密?现在所有人都知道了,包括过生日的女孩!

4.When it comes to the birthday girl , few interests and leanings have declared themselves as yet, apart from a huge capacity for good cheer .就过生日的孩子来说,除了有大胃口吃下丰盛的食物,她还没有展示出多少兴趣和爱好。

5.Mom: Sure, as you wish, birthday girl!妈妈:当然可以,小寿星,随你所愿。

6.Who spilled the news about the surprise birthday party? Now everyone knows, including the birthday girl!是谁泄漏了生日聚会这个秘密?现在每个人,包括过生日的女孩都知道了!

7.who spilled the news about the surprise birthday party ? now everyone knows i, including birthday girl .谁泄露了生日聚会的惊喜消息的?现在每个人都知道了,包括寿星。

8.One day, the rich feast home, because this day is their baby son's birthday, Coincidentally, that day is the birthday girl.一天,财主家大办宴席,因为这天是他们宝贝儿子的生日,巧的是,小姑娘也是这天生日。

9.Remember that in judah will start the birthday girl, boy about a girl.犹记得,在女孩即将启程的那个生日,男孩约了女孩。

10.Let us toast the birthday girl! Let's drink to the New Year.让我们为女孩生日干杯;让我们为新年干杯。