




1.黑色星期三黑色星期三(英语:Black Wednesday)是指1992年9月16日英国保守党政府因无力维持英镑的汇率下限而被迫退出欧洲汇率体 …


1.When they predicted that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought clothes for performance.当他们预测,黑色星期三去表演在当地的剧院演出,他们都买衣服了。

2.There may yet come a Black Wednesday moment when popticians cannot ask any more of their voters.当政客不可能对选民再有任何要求时,黑色星期三就有可能再次光临。

3.The pound eventually lost some 20% and Britain withdrew from the ERM in September 1992 in what became known as Black Wednesday.最后在1992年9月,英镑贬值20%左右,英国从欧洲汇率机制退出,这就是知名的黑色星期三。

4.But unpke Black Wednesday, or the baht devaluation, this time he was along for the ride, not leading the attack.然而不像黑色星期三或泰铢贬值的战役,这一次他只是被动应战,并没有领军进攻。

5.My brother and his friends were all fans of a heavy metal group called Black Wednesday.我哥哥和他的朋友都是球迷的重金属组被称为黑色星期三。

6.The system is paralysed, and it is starting to look pke Black Wednesday in 1992.金融体制瘫痪,似乎正在出现1992年的黑色星期三状况。

7.After the performance, I became a Black Wednesday fan too for a few years before getting into other kinds of music.演出结束后,我成了一个黑色星期三风扇也为几年前进入其他音乐。

8.The NHS, it is revealed today, has its very own black Wednesday, when death rates go up by an average of 6%;今天有消息披露,英国国民保健署度过了一个黑色星期三,各大医院死亡率平均飙升了6%;