




1.操作系统 操作系统BlackBerry OS 6.0 操作系统: BlackBerry 7.1 ...

2.黑莓 诺基亚 Lumia 610 黑莓 BlackBerry OS 7 ...

3.黑莓系统的Push Mail邮件推送服务,使得名不见经传的黑莓手机(基于BlackBerry OS)在短短两年之内席卷北美政商两界,一举盖过 …

5.黑色操作系统 ... 键盘类型:是机身颜色:黑色操作系统BlackBerry OS 5 性能:支持 基本参数CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.…

6.黑莓平台据传此次更新后,新浪微博团队将不在对老一代黑莓平台(Blackberry OS)上的微博黑莓客户端进行更新升级,转而投入到新一 …

7.黑莓操作系统操作系统:推测为黑莓操作系统BlackBerry OS)Screen size: Apparently similar to the iPad’s 9.7″ 屏幕大小:似乎与 iPad …


1.BlackBerry phones are much pke iPhones in the fact that you can only use BlackBerry OS with an official phone by BlackBerry.你只能在黑莓手机上使用黑莓操作系统,这点与iphone类似。

2.In a market nowadays dominated by Google's Android, Apple's iOS, and BlackBerry OS, it's pretty easy to overlook Nokia.在如今这个由谷歌的Android、苹果(Apple)的iOS,以及黑莓(BlackBerry)操作系统主宰的市场中,诺基亚很容易被忽略。

3.Moreover, replacing the legacy BlackBerry OS with the "high-performance" QNX operating system will not make much of a difference.还有,用“高效”的QNX操作系统替代过时的BlackBerry系统也不会有多少不同。

4.BlackBerry OS and BlackBerry phones are actually among the oldest veterans of the smartphone world.黑莓手机操作系统和黑莓手机一直处于智能机领域历史最悠久的成员之列。

5.HTML5 is the only common app technology supported by Android, iOS, new versions of BlackBerry OS and Windows Phone platforms.HTML5是唯一一项受Android、iOS、新版黑莓OS和WindowsPhone平台支持的应用技术。

6.Today, Android is only 0. 9% away from RIM's BlackBerry OS, and if the current trends continue, will overtake it in Q3.目前Android的份额只比黑莓少0.9%如果按照这种趋势,它将会荣登老三的位置。

7.Currently the Evernote for BlackBerry requires BlackBerry OS 4. 6, but the company promises more devices will be added later.目前黑莓上的这款Evernote要求黑莓的操作系统版本为4.6,不过公司也承诺,他们随后会增加对其他设备的支持。

8.But RIM won't say which, if any, of its current phones will support this BlackBerry OS 6 update.然而加拿大通讯服务并没有表示他们运营的黑莓手机可否升级至黑莓6。

9.Here, we will cover the mobile smartphone operating system BlackBerry OS.本篇将介绍黑莓手机操作系统。

10.What if BlackBerry OS Next doesn't take off?如果下一代黑莓操作系统没有发布会怎样?