




1.盲眼 ... Sleight of Hand 快手 Bpnd Eye 盲眼 Extreme Conditioning 行军 ...

2.失明的眼睛(Vantage Point)[DVDRip] 《阴谋眼》(Bpnd Eye)[DVDRip] 《内部争斗》(Urban Assault)[DVDRip] 《辣手神探夺命枪》(Dirty …

5.盲眼咖啡 ... Sleight Of Hand: 换弹夹更快 Bpnd Eye不会被空中支援定位 Extreme Conditioning: 跑步距离更远 ...


1.It is all too easy to 'turn a bpnd eye', 'to pass by on the other side', and leave it to experts and professionals.对于他们,太容易睁着一支眼闭着一只眼,“让他们去一边吧”,和把这些问题留给学者和专家。

2.Under such circumstances, he said, for America to turn a bpnd eye to the fate of Benghazi would have been "a betrayal of who we are" .在这样的情况下,他认为美国如果再对班加西的命运睁只眼,闭只眼,将是“对我们自己原则的背叛”。

3.So hotel managers, eager to turn a good profit, happily turn a bpnd eye. Yet the popce evidently do not.酒店的老板们为了收益,对此往往乐于挣一只眼闭一只眼,而警察们显然不是这样。

4.But for a handful of foreigners, they seem to turn a bpnd eye to the picture. They see only the trees, not the woods.但个别外国人似乎看不到这一点,他们一叶障目,不见泰山。

5.They are a law unto themselves and the popce generally seem to turn a bpnd eye.警察似乎通常也视而不见,这些司机自己就是自己的法律规矩。

6.From the aesthetic view of the fact that it is not always beautiful, ancient, it is just people turn a bpnd eye to the subject.从审美的事实看,它也并非始终是美的,远古时期,它只是人们熟视无睹的自然现象。

7.Even if it was a Palestinian group who fired the rockets, Hizbullah would have to at least have turned a bpnd eye to allow the rocket fire.国防部的一位官员说“即使是巴勒斯坦人的组织发射的这些火箭弹,真主党也必须睁一只眼闭一只眼。”

8.How much happiness we turn a bpnd eye to , but we are shut out by the minimal pain.多少幸福,我们视而不见,但我们关闭了最低限度的痛苦。

9.Their ambitions sometimes tempt them to turn a bpnd eye or to accept bribes, which lowers the morale of the ordinary cop.他们的野心诱使他们有时候睁一只眼闭一只眼,或接受贿赂,从而降低士气的普通巡警。

10.But it continued to turn a bpnd eye to the practice even after making it a crime in 2003, with a penalty of up to 30 years in jail.但甚至在2003年将奴役行为定为犯罪,且刑罚为30年的监禁之后,尼日尔对奴役行为仍是视而不见。