




1.血液 103 Blood Blood 血液 10.432 ↓ 104 Nano Letters Nano Lett 纳米通讯 10.371 ↑ ...

2.组织液组织) 结构特点: 细胞 细胞外基质 基质 纤维 组织液 ((Blood Blood)) 约占体重的 约占体重的7% 7% 结 构 特 点: 细 …


1.As the body temperature starts to rise, your heart responds by pumping more blood. blood.当身体的温度开始上升,你的心脏就会增大供血量。

2.Mourad: With a pttle money, we can help you get revenge. The assailant drew blood. Blood calls for revenge. Vengeance is a human right.莫拉德:只需要花一点钱,我们就可以帮助你报仇。攻击的人会被打得出血。流血就是报仇。报仇是人的权利。

3.When needed, used properly tested blood, blood products, plasma substitute and own blood to ensure blood safety.必要时使用检测合格的血液和血液制品,以及血浆代用品或自身血液。

4.It is through detoxification, blood blood circulation eventually reach the means to overcome melasma and acne.它经过清热解毒、补血活血最终到达攻克黄褐斑和痤疮的手段。

5.Blood! Blood! Why did you have to say that? I can't afford to lose any blood.血,血。你为什么说这个?我不能失一点血。

6.Absorb blood, blood clan's passing to absorb blood can enjoy imperfect eternal pfe.吸血,血族通过吸血可享受不完全的永生。

7.High-temperature heat, the color will be bright red blood, blood viscosity will be low.热温度高,血液的颜色就会鲜红,血液的粘稠度就会低。

8.The town, according to an 1830 editorial in the Rhode Island American, was "forever. . . stained with blood, blood, blood. "《罗德岛美国人》(RhodeIslandAmerican)在1830年的一篇社论中写到,萨勒姆被“永远……玷污了,到处都是血、血、血。”

9."Chopsticks will" brothers swear to blood blood also.“筷子会”的弟兄们赌咒要血债血还。

10.Suggesting the color of blood ; blood- red .血色或象血色的;血红的。