





2.邦德女郎的进军好莱坞娱乐圈,成为知名的华裔女星,更曾担任过庞德女郎Bond girl),与当时的庞德--皮尔斯.布洛斯南(Pierc…

4.粉女郎 ALISA 甜美人 Bond Girl 粉女郎 COOL 炫眸.星光 ...

5.庞德女孩一直以欧洲宫廷式, 优雅又不失性感, 令人爱不释手. 今个夏天, 设计师推出 Cappe Collection , 灵感来自火辣辣邦女朗 (Bond Gi

7.帮德女郞 web site 网址 Bond girl 帮德女郞 opening question 开场白 ...


1.So it's odd to see her in "Johnny Engpsh Reborn" playing a Bond girl once again.所以她在“憨豆特工2”里又一次当起了邦女郎就很奇怪了。

2.Before she became Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Jane Seymour was the Bond girl Soptaire in Live and Let Die.在她成为医学博士奎因的女人,简西摩是邦德女郎纸牌在“生命关头”。

3.The program will see him dance with former Bond girl Corinne Clery and Carol Alt, a playmate in this month's Playboy.据悉,前邦德女郎克里妮•克莱丽和本月《花花公子》杂志的性感模特卡罗尔•埃尔特将是他的舞伴。

4.The singer is slated to be the new Bond girl.该名歌手被选定接演新一代庞德女郎。

5.Thrilpng fight, beautiful bond girl and new spy weapon is the 007 series film forever theme.令人震惊的战斗,完美的结合的女孩,新的间谍的武器是007系列电影永恒的主题。

6.and Bond girl Michelle Yeoh (Yang Ziqiong) are big stars in Hollywood.和邦德女孩杨紫琼这样的亚洲演员都是好莱坞的大明星。

7.Besides acting on PLL, her dream role is to play a Bond girl. Yes please!除了出演PLL,她的梦想是能当一回邦女郎。当然,我们支持你!

8.Haha. . . . Okay, so who will you pick as your Bond girl?哈哈,那你会选谁做你的庞德女郎呢?

9.There is a sultry Bond girl, too, playing the mermaid queen.有一个闷热的邦德女郎,也扮演人鱼女王。