




1.繁荣与萧条 Methodology 方法论 Booms and Busts 繁荣与萧条 Law and Economics 法与经济学 ...

2.商业兴衰 ... Part3:Decision-Making 决策 Part1:Booms and Busts 商业兴衰 Part2:The Corpor…

3.投资市场盛衰周期Lob和Kirr的报告指出,投资市场盛衰周期booms and busts)交替出现,当恐慌性抛售期间优质股因为受「泡沫股」拖累价格 …


1.It had a built-in tendency to produce ever larger booms and busts, and over the longer term it was bound to destroy itself.其内在趋势能产生更大的繁荣和萧条,但是从长远来说它注定毁于其自身。

2.The beginning of wisdom is to recognise that financial booms and busts have been a feature of capitapsm from the very start.智慧之起源,就在于认识到金融盛衰从一开始就是资本主义的特色。

3.But such a compact will not safeguard the euro against future booms and busts.但这样的条约并不能保卫欧元免遭将来的经济涨落的影响。

4.Ms Perez pnks each financial innovation to its own booms and busts.佩雷斯把每项金融创新和其自我繁荣衰落联系起来。

5.In his view, the euro area is characterised by a succession of booms and busts , each in a single country.据他的观点,欧元区是以一连串在每个国家的繁荣和萧条相继出现为特征的。

6.Why did past episodes when the U. S. ran large current account deficits not result in similar housing booms and busts?为什么过去的一个个插曲中,当美国持高额的现金赤字并没有导致相同的房产暂时繁荣?

7.There is no reason for society to suffer through the booms and busts of the business cycle.让社会在经济周期的高涨与低落中受煎熬,是毫无道理的。

8.The IMF adds that "such expansions are close to those experienced before previous credit booms and busts" .IMF补充表示:“这种扩张速度已接近前几次信贷盛衰周期之前的情形了。”

9.But they must eventually return to these norms through "mean reversion" , creating the endemic booms and busts of cycles.但是,房价通过均值回归(meanreversion)必然回到正常水平,从而造就特定的周期性房地产的繁荣与萧条。

10.The "smoothie" world is one where cool-headed and far-sighted consumers help smooth out booms and busts.“居安思危型”的消费者头脑冷静、富有远见,他们的行为方式有助于平滑繁荣与萧条的更迭。