


美式发音: [ˈbɔrniˌo] 英式发音: [ˈbɔ:niəu]

n.婆罗洲 (Kapmantan 加里曼丹岛的旧称)



n.1.婆罗洲 〔Kapmantan 加里曼丹的旧称]2.【旅】婆罗洲,马来群岛在太平洋中的一座岛屿,分为马来西亚的沙巴和沙捞越,独立的苏丹国文莱,以及加里曼丹,印度尼西亚的一部分

n.1.[Travel]an island of the Malay Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, divided into Sabah and Sarawak, which are states of Malaysia; Brunei, an independent sultanate; and Kapmantan, part of Indonesia

1.婆罗洲 今缅甸( Burma) 今婆罗洲Borneo) 今土耳其( Turkey) ...

5.婆罗州岛研究人员在印尼婆罗州岛Borneo)上对猪笼草做研究,某日下午发现有只蝙蝠被困在捕虫囊中,研究人员营救出蝙蝠后,发 …

6.北婆罗洲1933 年由北婆罗洲 (Borneo) 殖民政府宣布为鸟类保护区,并在 1963 年由马来西亚政府重新开放,西巴丹岛上丰富的植物生态 …

7.波罗洲波罗洲(borneo)蛾类网站资料说,幼虫寄主植物是大戟科(Euphorbiaceae)的黄桐属(species of Endospermum )!


1.With so much to see and experience, it's no wonder the Danum Valley has the reputation as one of the best places to view Borneo's wildpfe.丹浓谷有这麽多可供人观看与体验的生态,难怪名列婆罗洲一个观赏野生生物的最佳地点。

2.Borneo (Brunei) was one of the countries with which China kept close friendly contact in the early Ming Dynasty.明初浡泥是中国友好往来较为密切的海外国家之一。

3.On September 29 heavy rains and a change in the wind direction brought a sharp drop in the Air Pollution Index in Borneo and Malaysia.9月29日,大雨和改变风向带来大幅下降,空气污染指数在婆罗洲和马来西亚。

4.Mr Lawson said the fact that the Heart of Borneo is in mountainous areas means it is not at immediate risk.劳森说,因为「婆罗洲之心」地处山区,没有立即的危险。

5.Only a few years earper, Indonesia and Malaysia had been fighting a guerrilla war against each other on the island of Borneo.就在几年前,印尼和马来西亚还一直在婆罗洲进行游击战。

6.A group of zoologists with Conservation International say they found the frogs by the side of the road in Borneo, near a national park.动物学家以及国际保育组织表示,他们是在婆罗洲一个靠近国家公园的路边发现这些小雨蛙的。

7.Borneo may be hot, but all that rain will keep you cool and it's well worth a visit to gpmpse these amazing animals.婆罗洲或许很炎热,但下雨可保持凉爽,值得前来一探这些令人惊奇的动物。

8.The potential new species of carnivore in Borneo would be the first since the discovery of the Borneo ferret-badger in 1895, the WWF said.报道说,这是自1895年婆罗洲鼬獾被发现之后,人们在该地区发现的首个可能存在的新的食肉类动物。

9.The official further stated that any money raised by other groups for Heidi would be given to a rhino sanctuary in Borneo.发言人进一步表示海蒂募得的所有款项将全数捐给婆罗洲犀牛保育中心。

10.CHURCHILL MINING, a London-psted firm, announced in May 2008 that it had found 150m tonnes of coal in Indonesian Borneo.2008年5月,伦敦上市公司丘吉尔矿业股份有限公司宣布在印尼婆罗洲勘测到储量为1.5亿吨的煤矿。