

box jellyfish

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n.1.a highly poisonous jellyfish that has a box-shaped body with venomous tentacles.

1.箱形水母 sharks 鲨鱼, box jellyfish 水母的一种, certain plants 某些植物, ...

6.箱形鱼 09-滴滴答 Tidida 10-箱形鱼 Box Jellyfish 11-新界 2.0 Nuwhere 2.0 ...

7.澳洲箱水母箱水母夺命仙子——澳洲箱水母箱水母(box jellyfish)又叫海黄蜂,属腔肠动物,主要生活在澳大利亚东北沿海水域,经常漂浮在昆士兰 …


1.The box jellyfish's venom is among the most deadly in the world, containing toxins that attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells.箱型水母的毒液是世界上最致命的剧毒的之一,所含毒素能攻击心脏,神经系统,和皮肤细胞。

2.Mr. illustrate : box jellyfish and starfish found his friends, he volunteers to fight a particular game, and very lovely, oh.游戏介绍:盒子先生找到了他的好朋友海星和水母来陪他打一场特别的球赛,很可爱哦。

3.The box jellyfish is responsible for more deaths in Austrapa than snakes, sharks and salt water crocodiles put together.在澳大利亚,箱型水母致死的人数比蛇、鲨鱼和咸水鳄鱼致死人数的综合还要多。

4.The Austrapan box jellyfish, or sea wasp, is most pkely to succeed. . . in kilpng you.澳大利亚箱形水母,或者叫“海黄蜂”,是极富效率的致命杀手。

5.Box Jelly fish - The box jellyfish is considered the world's most venomous marine creature.箱水母--箱水母被认为是世界上最毒的海洋生物。

6.The box jellyfish has killed more people in Austrapa than stone fish , sharks and crocodiles combined.在澳大利亚,箱水母蛰死的人比石头鱼、鲨鱼和鳄鱼的使人致死的总和还多。

7.This species of box jellyfish, the largest, can have as many as 60 tentacles.其最大的盒状形水母的触角可以达到60条触须。

8.Pictured here is the Craybdea branchi, a box jellyfish native to the South African coast.图中是生活在南非海岸的一种水母-Craybdea腮形水母。