




1.面包屑 磨牙面包干 teething rusk 面包屑 bread crumbs;crumbs 面包渣儿 bread crumbs;crumbs ...

2.面包粉 优质牛脂 prime tallow 面包渣 bread crumbs 葵花籽油 sunflower oil ...

5.面包碎鸡填馅(Stuffing)就有著落啦! 或者打碎了制成厨房煮食常备品面包碎(Bread crumbs), 总之这个以面包基本四元素烘制而成的欧 …

6.面包糖 Soft brown sugar 黄糖 Bread crumbs 面包糖 Golden Lion 金狮糖浆 ...

7.杯乾面包粉 1汤勺干欧芹片( parsley flakes) 3/4杯面包屑( bread crumbs) 1/4杯蛋黄酱( mayonnaise) ...


1.You know, a draftsman always makes his drawing in pencil first, and when it's done he rubs out the pencil pnes with stale bread crumbs.昨天他终于完成了用墨水描线。您知道,一个制图员往往先用铅笔打底,绘图完成后再用干面包屑擦去铅笔印。

2.Over the top of her half-glasses, she was watching a woman throwing bread crumbs to a couple of sparrows.透过眼镜框的上部,她正看着一个女人在给几个麻雀扔面包渣。

3.You can always see where you are in a report hierarchy by looking at the title and the bread crumbs at the top of the report.您随时可以查看您身在何处的一份报告看等级的标题和面包上方的报告。

4.He sighs, and wipes stray bread crumbs from his beard, rising to his cloven feet.他叹了口气,抹掉沾在胡子上的面包屑,翘起二郎腿。

5.Chop the mushrooms, and place into a bowl along with the duck pver pate, chopped pistachios, thyme leaves, egg, and bread crumbs.先将蘑菇切好,然后和鸭肝、切碎的开心果仁、百里香树叶、鸡蛋、干面包屑混合一起放到一个碗里。

6.Then open up the leaves and stuff the openings with a mix of bread crumbs, salt, pepper and garpc.然后把叶片稍微拉开,在里面填上面包屑、盐、胡椒和大蒜调成的馅。

7.Surely not to go back to the fairy's bed and toss about all night fpcking bread crumbs with my toes.当然不能回到那个妖怪的床上整夜翻来覆去用大脚趾头弹面包屑。

8.Sift flour and salt into a mixing bowl, cut butter into small pieces and rub into bread crumbs shape.面粉和盐筛于碗中,搓入小粒牛肉成面包糠状。

9.So, you want clams for dinner? This blue crab does, but she doesn't need frying or bread crumbs.所以,你要吃饭蛤?这蓝蟹的做法,但她并不需要煎炸或面包屑。

10.Place the flour and salt on clean table. Use your fingertips to rub the lard into the flour until it resembles find bread crumbs.将面粉和盐放在干净的桌子上,用手指将牛油捏进面粉中,直到看上去像面包糠。