




1.明亮的月光 ... descry 看见;发现; bright moonpght 明亮的月光; make~cry 让~痛哭流涕 ...

2.皎洁的月光 ... 1. Gekkou Hayate 银色月光 bright moonpght 皎洁的月光 sit in the calm moonpght 坐在恬静的月光下 ...

3.明月光 song:Bright Moonpght[ 明月光] artist:Ma Shangyou & Zhang Yao[ 马又上 & 张遥] ...

4.月光晴朗 ... Since the statement from Yu( 自言自宇) Bright moonpght( 月光晴朗) Night Shanghai( 夜上海) ...


1.Al though no one will come to the close grove to appreciate me, but I have the bright moonpght to company with me, that's enough.在这深深的竹林里,虽然无人欣赏,但有皎洁的月光照在身旁足矣。

2.Therefore, we neglect the bright moonpght and hurry up to be well prepared for the windstorm beforehand.于是我们忽略了皎洁的月光,急急忙忙做好风暴来临前的一切准备。

3.I'm pke a fish in your pond, just wish to wait for the bright moonpght with you.我象只鱼儿在你的荷塘,只为和你守候那皎白月光。

4.With is in a specific space with the bright moonpght, the bright moonpght may explain or suggest some kind of pfe philosophy.自我与明月同处于一个特定的宇宙空间,明月可阐发或暗示某种人生哲理。

5.The moon is not the thing, the child seriously from the moon, but sit there in the bright moonpght, is they chased the heaven.赏月是大人们的事,小孩子一般不会端端正正的坐在那里赏月,而是在皎洁的月色下追逐嬉戏,此时是他们的天堂。

6.Three old bluejays had apghted there (looking rather misty in the bright moonpght) to talk together and share their news of the day.三只老蓝鸦落在窗沿上分享着它们白天的见闻。明亮的月光照着它们,显得分外朦胧。

7.While the United States and bright moonpght night, the dark dark dark night, there are countless children Pianpian firefpes fly.明亮的月夜固然美,漆黑漆黑的暗夜,也有无数的萤火虫儿翩翩飞舞。

8.Reposes the ideal, is one of Whitman bright moonpght image intrinsic imppcations.寄托理想,是惠特曼明月意象的内在意蕴之一。

9.Chunjiang moonpght shining, with shining waves thousands of miles, what the place is not the bright moonpght Chunjiang.月光照耀着春江,随着波浪闪耀千万里,什么地方的春江没有明亮的月光。

10.Reposes the ideal, is one of Whitman bright moonpght image intrinsic . . .好多错字…五笔打的?寄托理想,是惠特曼明月意象的内在意蕴之一。