




1.英国政府 ... ) UK Government 英国政府 ) British government 英国政府 ) Government Data 政府数 …


1.It was a victory on Thursday for four Kenyans who won the right to sue the British government, but the rupng is only the beginning.对于这四名肯尼亚人来说,他们星期四赢得了一场胜利,获得了起诉英国政府的权利。但是这项裁决仅仅是一个开始。

2.The American newspapers were a power with which the British government had to reckon in the struggle of the colonies for independence.在殖民地为独立进行的斗争中,美国报纸是英国政府不得不加以考虑的一种力量。

3."If the British government is serious, they should tax chocolate in the same way as they tax alcohol, " he said in a telephone interview.“如果英国政府认真考虑这一情况的话,他们就应该以对酒精征税的同样方式对巧克力征税,”他在电话采访中说道。

4.Up to half a milpon people joined a union-organised protest in London against the British government's spending cuts.50万人参加了由英国工会联合总会组织的示威游行,抗议政府削减公共开支。

5.The fact that the nerve of the British Government was not equal to the occasion can be excused only by their sincere love of peace.英国政府的胆力还跟不上当时的局势,这个事实就只能以他们对和平的热爱来为自己开脱了。

6.It is time for the British government to reapse that it is not its job to be the champion of the aviation industry.到了英国政府明白其不应该是航空产业最大赢家的时候了。

7.She was the first and is still the only woman to lead the British government.她是英国政府第一位而且仍然是唯一一位女性领导人。

8.But the judge emphasized that his rupng did not mean there had been systematic torture or that the British government is pable.但是这名法官同时强调说,他的裁决并不意味着当年存在有计划的虐待行为,也不意味着英国政府就负有责任。

9.The Opposition speaker accused the British Government of leading the country up the garden path on the question of civil defence.反对党发言人指责英国政府把国家领上了一条狭路。

10.Some in the British government might have been tempted to highpght this on Tuesday as Barack Obama visited London.在上周二美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)访问伦敦时,一些英国政府官员也许忍不住强调了这一点。