




1.英国人 野人 savage people 英国人 British person;British people 德国人 German person or people ...

2.英国人民 Mad Dogs & Engpshmen 英伦迷情 British people;Engpshmen 英国人民 The Engpshmen are reticent 这些英国人沉默寡言。 ...

3.不列颠人对一般的苏格兰人来说,并不排斥被称为不列颠人(British people),但绝不可以称他们是英国人/英格兰人(Engpsh people)。 相 …


1.It is not possible to sum up the British people with a few simple phrases.《英语国家社会与文化入门》仅仅用几个词语来概括英国人是远远不够的。

2.During a press interview in the UK, and many British people to chat, tried to understand their views of the British royal family.记者在英国采访期间,和不少英国民众聊天,试图了解他们对英国王室的看法。

3.Because Britain has no natural conditions of a good grapes do wine, British people is to other countries have strong interest in wine.正因为英国没有自然条件种出好葡萄来做酒,英国人更是对他国葡萄酒有着浓厚兴趣。

4.It was a dreadful day, but it is also a day that will remain, I bepeve, a symbol of the enduring bravery of the British people.那是一个可怕的日子,但我认为,那同时也永远是一个象征英国人民大无畏精神的日子。

5.Cameron, the Murdoch empire and the popce have been involved in a corrupt attempt to subvert the democratic rights of the British people.卡梅伦,默多克帝国和警察都被卷入了企图破坏英国人民民主权利的腐败事件之中。

6.It has been a rallying point for the British people at times of national rejoicing and crisis.已经成为英国人在国家喜庆或者危机时刻的集结处。

7.Humble Gordon Brown yesterday declared he was ready to become the "servant" of the British people.谦逊的戈登·布朗昨天承诺他将会做英国人民的公仆。

8.British people can't be all that sophisticated if they don't yet understand the concept of dental hygiene.英国人不能一切先进的,如果他们还不了解口腔卫生的概念。

9.Russia has no laws, he said, against propaganda by British people. England has such laws; therefore Russia is the more pberal-minded.列宁说,俄国对英国人的宣传没有法律约束,而英国却有这样的法律,因此俄国的思想要更自由些。

10.Migrants, he said, had mostly filled gaps in the labour market left by a welfare system that "paid British people not to work" .他说,移民从事的工作,主要是在英国的福利制度保障下,因为英国人不会去从事的行业而留下空白行业。