




1.破碎的镜子 by myself!" 靠你自己吧!” broken mirror 破碎的镜子 cut my skin 割开我的肌肤 ...

2.破镜 ... 目镜[ eyepiece] 破镜[ broken mirror;separation of couple] 水镜[ hydroscope] ...

3.破镜子 飞刀 Casting Knives: 破镜子 Broken Mirror: 外交官 Diplomat: ...

4.破碎之镜 ... EP4 Plain Sight 凶眼逼人 EP5 Broken Mirror 破碎之镜 EP6 L.D.S.K. 双 …


1.Broken love is pke a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it.破碎了的感情就像碎了的镜子。碎了就碎了,总比为修复它而伤害了自己要好。

2.A break up is pke a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it.破碎了的感情就像破碎了的镜子,让它就这样破碎掉总比伤害自己去修复它好。

3.So that's me. A broken mirror, a recovering sinner, and a man who wants to serve God but often does exactly the opposite.一个破碎的镜子,一个蒙恩得救的罪人,一个愿意服侍上帝的男人,但现实中却往往没有活出神要我们为他而活的生命。

4.These include touching a piece of the broken mirror to a tombstone or grinding the mirror shards into powder.这些措施包括把一片碎镜片放到墓碑上或把碎片碾成粉末。

5.He saw himself in the broken mirror.他在这面破镜中照见自己。

6.From that story comes the idiom "A broken mirror joined together" . It is used to suggest the happy reunion of a separated couple.“破镜重圆”这个成语就是从这个故事来的。形容夫妻分开后,又高兴的团圆。

7.In the standard view, where dark matter isn't the antimatter, the Universe is left with only one half of the broken mirror.按常规观点,暗物质不是反物质,宇宙仅有破损镜像的一半。

8.Material component: A piece of a broken mirror.法术材料:一块破损的镜子。

9.And I am humbled, I'm a broken mirror, and I can't help but wonder.我挫败潦倒如一面破镜子,我情不自禁但是想知道

10.It 's hard to restore a broken mirror .破镜难圆。