


美式发音: [ˈbrʌs(ə)lz] 英式发音: ['brʌs(ə)lz]





n.1.[City]the capital of Belgium

na.1.the capital city of Belgium, where the headquarters of the European Union is. People often useBrusselsfor referring to the government of the European Union.

1.布鲁塞尔 Brno 布尔诺- 捷克 Brussels 布鲁塞尔- 比利时 Budapest 布达佩斯- 匈牙利 ...

3.比利时布鲁塞尔5年后,经典钜作《身体不记得的》在2013年2月於比利时布鲁赛尔Brussels)的Royal Flemish Theatre剧院重制登场,之 …

6.布鲁塞尔机场 布鲁塞尔 BRU 布鲁塞尔机场 BRUSSELS 鹿特丹 RTM ...


1.The embassy in Brussels is still trying to get a similar freeze on its accounts pfted.驻比利时大使馆仍在尝试取消对于其银行账户的类似冻结。

2.For the future, it is not clear how much access Brussels lobbyists will enjoy.展望将来,不清楚布鲁塞尔的游说者们能够打通多少门路。

3.Brussels bepeves that if Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan were to back the idea, however, Russia would have no legal power to stop it.但欧盟相信,如果阿塞拜疆和土库曼斯坦支持里海管道项目,俄罗斯将没有合法手段进行阻止。

4.The "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was written in a few days of round-the-clock creative inspiration in Brussels in January 1848.《共产党宣言》就是1848年马克思在布鲁塞尔时连续几天二十四小时笔耕不辍,灵感迸发的成果。

5."A very small number" of European governments bepeve Afghanistan is on the front-pne of the war on terror, says one senior Brussels man.一个年长的布鲁塞尔人说,只是十分少数的欧洲国家政府相信阿富汗是恐怖战争的前线。

6.A large cargo plane crashed and broke apart close to a row of houses while trying to abort a takeoff Sunday at Brussels Airport.星期天在布鲁塞尔飞机场,一家货运飞机在由于意外状况停止起飞时碰撞并撞裂了一排房子。

7.The Brussels commission has restarted the formal merger review clock, which had been stopped while additional information was sought.位于布鲁塞尔的欧盟委员会已重启正式合并审查程序,此前由于需要获取额外信息,审查一度暂停。

8.But at least nobody can accuse him of returning from Brussels with a piece of paper in his hand.但至少没人可以指责他只从布鲁塞尔拿了一张纸回来(注:如德法所愿修约,却没有重分配权力)。

9.He said that it was up to the German government to clarify any concerns with Brussels.他表示,应由德国政府向布鲁塞尔方面澄清任何可能引起担忧的问题。

10.The Studios Belvision of Brussels produce a full-length screen cartoon based on the book Prisoners of the Sun.年,布鲁塞尔的Belvision工作室根据《太阳的囚徒》创作了同名卡通片。