




1.拜伦-斯科特 Ralph Sampson 拉尔夫-桑普森 Byron Scott 拜伦-斯科特 Dale Elps 戴尔-埃利斯 ...

2.史考特才开除史考特(Byron Scott)不到一个礼拜,骑士就找到了他们的新任教头,曾经拿过年度最佳教练的布朗(Mike Brown)又再度与 …

3.黄蜂总教练史考特这场比赛赢得教练生涯第300场胜利的黄蜂总教练史考特Byron Scott)说:「幸好下半场全队表现远优於上半场。」洛杉矶湖 …

4.黄蜂队总教练史考特黄蜂队总教练史考特Byron Scott)说:「在葛兰杰命中之后,克里斯(保罗)就来对我说,『教练,球给我』。克里斯是很 …


1.But the key returnee is pkely to be Byron Scott, who seems to have a genuine connection to his point god.但是最关键的回归莫过于斯科特,他看起来才是那些天才们的联系纽带。

2.Coach Byron Scott can only hope his championship pedigree rubs off on his team.斯科特教练只能希望他的冠军血统能够感染他的球队了。

3.The Hornets' rebuilding years are behind them, however, and head coach Byron Scott has only two seasons on his current contract.黄蜂队已经结束了重建,而主教练拜伦。斯科特现有的合同只剩下两年了。

4.Hornets coach Byron Scott is determined to reduce Paul's workload, hoping to keep his All-Star point guard fresher for the playoffs.黄蜂队主帅斯科特有决心减少保罗的工作量,希望保住自己的全明星在季后赛中的控球后卫新鲜。

5."It just shows that a lot of the fans should not be voting for starters, " said New Orleans Hornets coach Byron Scott before Paul won out.“这仅仅说明很多球迷没有投票来选出先发球员,”新奥尔良黄蜂的主教练拜伦在保罗胜出前说。

6."Last year we probably would have lost this game by double digits, " said Nets coach Byron Scott.网队教练ByronScott说,「换作去年的话,这场比赛我们可能要输十分以上。」doubledigits:两位数(字)。