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1.纸牌游戏a game in which playing cards are used

1.卡片游戏 益智游戏( Puzzle Game) 卡片游戏Card Game) 第一人称射击游戏( First Person Shooting) ...

2.卡牌游戏盘战线、有人选择致力闯进议会、亦有人选择转化自己对咭牌游戏(card game) 的兴趣,创作一套讽刺政局的纸牌游戏。


1.I miss my friends and play cards fun time, sometimes the mood will fluctuate. It is often in a card game.喜欢牌技手法的朋友可以多来牌技网看看我很怀念和朋友们一起玩牌的开心时光,有时心情会随之波动。经常很投入某一场牌局。

2.The beautiful young woman did not sit across the table from my uncle in the diner, and there was no card game in progress in the smoker.吃饭的时候那个年轻漂亮的姑娘也没有坐在我叔叔的桌对面,也没有抽着烟的人在玩扑克。

3.A card game in which the object is either to avoid hearts when taking tricks or to take all the hearts.一种通过技巧避免获得或赢得所有的红桃牌的纸牌游戏

4.It's an incredibly engaging card game - don't let a bit of terminology scare you off.它是一种有着迷人魅力的纸牌游戏——但别让那一点术语吓跑你。

5.He was a nice boy, but he was the kind of kid who, if you wanted to have a card game, wouldn't join in.他是个很好的男孩,但他也是那种不会加入你的纸牌游戏的小孩。

6.But I think my favorite card game is bridge. More specifically, the variant of bridge which fascinates me is called "duppcate" .但我认为我最喜爱的纸牌类娱乐是桥牌,更确切的说,在不同玩法的桥牌中最吸引我的是“复式玩法”。

7.Why should whist, the name of a card game that has been known only since the 17th century, be spelled with wh-?为什么这个从17世纪才为人所知的纸牌游戏的名字会叫whist,拼写为wh-呢?

8.A group of men from Henan sit at a table playing a card game called "Fight the Landlord. "一群河南人围着桌子“斗地主”。

9.divers sat on the bottom of a pool in Germany to play a card game for 36 hours, in a bid to set a new world record.名潜水员坐在德国一个池塘的底部玩了36个小时的牌,为了创造一个新的纪录。

10.In advance of the big day, Winning Moves UK, the company that makes the popular British card game TopTrumps, created The Royal Wedding game.在这个大喜之日之前,开创流行的英国纸牌游戏——TopTrumps的WinningMovesUK公司出品了皇室婚礼游戏。赢家?