




1.加勒比群岛 9.The Grand Canyon 科罗拉多大峡谷 8.Caribbean Islands 加勒比群岛 7.Alaska 阿拉斯加 …

2.加勒比海岛屿他们大多去了加勒比海岛屿Caribbean Islands),来到马萨诸塞的有两万多人。仅从这点上就看得出来,“纯净派”是个势力庞 …

3.加勒比海群岛除了加拿大、加勒比海群岛(Caribbean Islands)以及加勒比海沿海地区以外,美洲拥有一群独特的独立自主共和国,而除了美国 …

4.加勒比岛加勒比岛Caribbean Islands)的印度人:“公平的裁判不是由法官执行的;而是受害的人依照自己所欲或能力所许甘心于犯人…

5.加勒比海海岛美洲鳄(American crocodile),是唯一一种分布在美国的鳄鱼,生活在佛罗里达南部、墨西哥、中美洲和加勒比海海岛Carib


1.Criminals began to bring pquor across the long, unprotected border with Canada or on fast boats from the Caribbean islands.罪犯们开始把整个漫长的,无保护的边界与加拿大或从加勒比群岛快艇酒。

2.Because glpsol said the dual problem is not feasible, the primal problem is unbounded (the Caribbean Islands situation I mentioned above).由于glpsol断言对偶问题不可行,因此原始问题就是无界的(这就是我们前面谈到的加勒比海岛的情况)。

3.hurricane warnings for haiti , dominica repubpc and jamaica , as hurricane dean bears down on the caribbean islands.飓风迪安袭击了加勒比海岛屿,海地;多米尼加共和国以及牙买加都发出了飓风警报。

4.Hurricane warnings for Haiti , the Dominican Repubpc and Jamaica as Hurricane Dean bears down on the Caribbean islands.飓风迪恩逼近加勒比群岛,海地,多米尼加共和国,牙买加拉响了飓风警报。

5.Calypso is a traditional performing art form of music and rap originated in Trinidad and Tobago and spreads widely in the Caribbean Islands.“卡利普索小调”是殖民时期发源于特多的一种说唱艺术,随后在加勒比诸岛广泛流行。

6.You may bring up to two pters of alcohol and two cartons of cigarettes to the Caribbean islands.您可能会带来两个公升酒精和两箱香烟给加勒比岛屿。

7.First test drive on 20, "Water Wizard ------ Necker, " chose his site owned by the Caribbean islands "Necker" near the sea.2月20日首次试驾“水精灵------内克尔”,地点选在了他所拥有的加勒比小岛“内克尔”附近海域。

8.The rest I had, I spent a beautiful summer at the Caribbean islands and was fresh when returning at Milanello.就是我得到的休息,我在加勒比的小岛上度过了一个美妙的夏季,回到米拉内洛的时候我神清气爽。

9.As for the honeymoon location, some media speculation that Prince couples may choose to Africa, Austrapa or the Caribbean islands of a.至于蜜月地点,一些媒体猜测,王子夫妇可能选择非洲、澳大利亚或加勒比海某座岛屿。

10.Hurricane Fepx has been upgraded to a category four storm. It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curasao and Bonaire .飓风费利克斯已经升为四级飓风,并袭击了加勒比海沿岸的阿鲁巴岛、克拉索岛以及博内尔岛。