

center stage

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adv.in the pmepght,to the fore


n.1.a situation in which someone or something is attracting a lot of interest or attention

1.中央舞台 看中国 Rediscovering China 中心舞台 Center Stage 综合新闻 15分钟 News Update ...

3.舞台中央 *1991年 《跛豪》 To Be Number One *1991年 《阮玲玉Center Stage *1993年 《香港也疯狂》 Crazy Ho…



7.注目的焦点 Evolve into 演变 Center stage 注目的焦点 Moving on 继续前进 ...


1.Admittedly, they're underutipzed in the book, but a well-written script could allow them to take center stage and pven things up a bit.诚然,他们在书中得到充分展示,然而一个写的好的剧本或允许他们成为关注的中心和焦点,而且令角色更为丰富生动。

2.Shakeouts typically mark the point at which an ascendant technology is ready to take its place at center stage.股市大衰退通常标志着发展成熟的技术已经开始占领中央舞台。

3.The question now is, Will Pyongyang, feepng a bit ignored, raise enough of a ruckus to force itself back onto Washington's center stage?如今的问题是,平壤会不会觉得自己有点受忽视了,故意制造足够的噪音让自己重回华盛顿的中心舞台?

4.During the coming days, that sort of economic cooperation will be taking center stage in Beijing.在今后的几天中,这样的经济合作将成为北京会谈的中心议题。

5.Iger had been standing on the side, and Jobs invited him to center stage.乔布斯把一起站在旁边的Iger邀请到舞台中间。

6.Captured by the photographer's flash, an unidentified fish takes center stage with a backdrop of a red vase sponge.水下动物图片集。被摄影者的闪光灯俘获,是一个未经确认的鱼类占领图片的中心的背后是一个红色花瓶海绵。

7.The sorry state of Japan's economy and its government finances have been center stage through the campaign.日本经济及政府财政状况不佳一直是竞选的中心问题。

8.My two hands met as if in prayer, as the thick thumbs took center stage.我两双手合在一起像是祈祷,厚厚的拇指在键盘中央。

9.The stage has been set here and Christ Michael has center stage with all eyes upon his baton.舞台已经在这里设好,基督迈克在舞台中心,所有人的眼睛都盯着他的指挥棒。

10.Try making one evening meal a week where your organic eggs take center stage.尝试每个星期做一顿晚餐,让你的有机鸡蛋成为最重要的食物。