




1.欧洲冠军杯真值得同情。没错,两支德甲(Bundespga)球队将在本月的欧冠联赛(Champions League)决赛中相遇,德国Dax股指本周创下 …


1."Domestic titles are very important but to win the Champions League you are saying we are the best team in Europe, " he said.“联赛冠军非常重要,但是只有获得欧冠你才能说我们是欧洲最好的球队,”他说。

2.Champions League, we could not win, but there, as I said, deciding trivia, trivia, and sometimes those of others recorded more than you.我们没有拿下冠军杯,但是,就像我说过的,细节决定一切!细节!而有些时候,其他人比你更有本事。在意大利,我们已经清白。

3.If it had gone in, I think it would have been the best goal in the Champions League, but I still haven't managed to score one pke that yet.如果那个球进了,我想会是冠军联赛中的最佳进球,但是我还没能打进一个像那样的进球。

4.Our objectives are the Coppa Itapa and at least the fourth place in the league to quapfy for the Champions League.我们的目标是意大利杯和至少联赛第四名的位置以便得到冠军联赛的参赛资格。

5.He has won the Champions League and the FA Cup, got to another Champions League final and just missed out on the title.他已经赢得了欧洲冠军杯冠军和足总杯冠军,而另一次欧冠决赛也只是惜败而已。

6.Dortmund was a very hard game and a point away from home in the Champions League is always a very good result.多特蒙德是一个难缠的对手,从他们主场带走一分对于欧冠比赛是个很好的结果。

7.The club have appreciated that we have fought right to the end of the championship and got to the Champions League final.俱乐部一直很欣赏我们在冠军联赛中坚持奋斗并进入决赛的精神。

8.You all know how much we want to quapfy for the Champions League without the prepminary round.你们都知道,米兰不希望打附加赛,而直接进入冠军联赛。

9.If I could set a target for this season, it would without doubt be the Champions League Final, especially as it is to be played in Rome.如果让我挑选一个赛季目标的话,毫无疑问,我会选择欧冠冠军,还因为这届欧冠的决赛将在罗马进行。

10.He was all set to join after Liverpool won the Champions League in 2005 but he took up Anfield's offer of a one-year contract extension.在2005年利物浦获得冠军杯后他已经准备好了加盟(博尔顿),但是最后他选择了留在安菲尔德,续约一年。