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英文单词:刑事情报科(Criminal Intelligence Bureau);兴业银行(China Industrial Bank);国际建筑研究与文献委员会


abbr.1.Chartered Institute of Bankers2.Criminal Investigation Branch

1.刑事情报科(Criminal Intelligence Bureau)对刑事情报科CIB)的挖掘,算得上其中一个经典案例。  2007年出品的《跟踪》,着力于展示CIB下属的C组(即跟踪组), …

2.兴业银行(China Industrial Bank)福建兴业银行CIB) : "存一百"国家开发银行(CHINA DEVELOPMENT BANK) : CDB -" 存点吧!"北京市商业银行(BEIJIN…


4.企业与投资银行(Corporate and Investment Banking)Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB) includes Corporate and institutional banking, investment banking and global markets.

5.牙买加咖啡工业局(Coffee Industry Board)获得牙买加咖啡工业局(CIB)认证只包含Wallenford村和Moy Hall的咖啡豆 一包 4 安士咖啡豆可制造约 15 杯咖啡 优惠券由2012 …


1.Main storage space is allocated for it dynamically and is freed after the operator command contained within the CIB has been processed.该区在主存空间是动态分配的,并且在该缓冲区中的操作员命令得到处理之后就被释放。

2.When the Pygmies were first given the GPS sets, Poynton recalls, CIB staff were nervous that most of the trees would be marked "hands-off. "Poynton回忆道,在刚开始给卑格米人提供GPS设备时,刚果林业公司很紧张,以为大多数树都将被打上“不许动”的标记。

3.Poynton says CIB is seeking certification to an international standard, which requires that they work very closely with indigenous people.Poynton说,CIB目前正在寻求国际标准认证,而这要求公司非常密切地与土著人打交道。

4.Only berries that pass the stringent quality test administered by the CIB are exported.只有通过咖啡工业局严格执行的品质检测的咖啡降果才能被出口。

5.The CIB itself has seen a fall in revenue from advance payments that generally finance its operations.CIB本身也观察到了支持其运作的预付咖啡款的下降。

6.Linux-HA uses a configuration file called cib. xml, which is created automatically when you start heartbeat on all the nodes in the cluster.Linux-HA使用一个名为cib.xml的配置文件,在集群中的所有节点上启动heartbeat时会自动创建该文件。

7.The recommended approach for upgrading is to use the haresources file to generate the new cib. xml file.推荐的升级方法是使用haresource文件生成新的cib.xml文件。

8.Cappuccino uses a similar feature, called . cib files, for storing the UI objects.Cappuccino使用一个类似的特性(称为.cib文件)来存储UI对象。

9.Here is the cib. xml file we developed for our scenario; see Resources for a link.我们为此场景开发了一个cib.xml文件,参见参考资料获取链接。

10.The next few steps show you how to convert the version 1 haresources file to the new version 2 XML-based configuration format (cib. xml).接下来的几步将向您展示如何将version1的haresources文件转换为version2的基于XML的配置格式(cib.xml)。