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英文单词:循环免疫复合物(circulating immune complex);中国投资公司(China Investment Corporation);中投公司(China Investment Corp.)



abbr.1.Counterintelligence Corps

1.循环免疫复合物(circulating immune complex)血循环免疫复合物(CIC)的清除主要由红细胞CR1携带至肝脾网状内皮系统交给巨噬细胞消灭。红细胞膜上CR1分子成簇状分布…

2.中国投资公司(China Investment Corporation)中国投资公司(cic),中国的主权基金,在星期四公布,其子公司之会购买一个10%的参与在希思罗机场控股公司。英国一家公司的, …

3.中投公司(China Investment Corp.)  中投公司CIC)副董事长兼总经理高西庆表示,中投今年的海外投资规模将增至去年的10倍,可望达数百亿美元。去年,受大 …

4.中国投资有限责任公司二是中国投资有限责任公司(CIC)副总经理兼首席风险官汪建熙周三称,中投将继续增持三大国有商业银行股权,此外,香港H股也 …

5.移民局请问移民局(CIC) 在多伦多的办公地点在哪里?St.Clair 多少号?


1."It is possible that CIC will make some sort of investment in Chinese real estate, " Jones LaSalle said in the report.“中投公司对国内房地产的某种投资是可能的”,仲量联行在报告中称。

2.But sovereign-wealth fund China Investment Corp. , known as CIC, is one presence behind SSBT OD05, people familiar with the matter said.但是熟悉情况的人士认为:中国的主权基金——中投公司(CIC),是SSBTOD05账户的幕后所有人。

3.A person close to the French company said the CIC deal would be "a tremendous leg up in China" .接近这家法国公司的一名人士表示,与中投达成这笔交易将代表着“在中国取得巨大进展”。

4.CIC has signed a separate confidentiality agreement, according to people close to the matter, indicating it might join a GPP bid.据知情人士透露,中投公司签署了一项单独的保密协议,表明它可能会加入GGP竞购。

5.In June, when CIC bought more Morgan Stanley shares, it said the deal 'further strengthened' ties in a relationship it called 'excellent. '今年6月增持摩根士丹利股份时,中投公司表示,这笔交易进一步增强了双方的良好合作关系。

6.Fund officials have said the United Kingdom is the only major western power that has consistently welcomed CIC.中投官员曾表示,英国是西方大国中唯一一个一直对中投表示欢迎的国家。

7.One participant said the conference was to inform people that CIC was not "nervous about private capital" .其中一名参加者表示,会议旨在告诉外界,中投“对私人资本不感到紧张”。

8.CIC's newfound reticence comes as it appears to be performing better than many of its global counterparts, not to mention Safe.在中投最近陷入缄默之时,适逢它的业绩似乎好于许多全球同行,更不用说外管局了。

9.Not the stuff to rock markets, but then China Investment Corp might prefer a bit of quiet after its raucous debut.这不是震动市场的素材,但在喧闹的登场后,CIC可能情愿平静一点。

10.CIC's offshore investment strategy is still in flux and yet to be formally approved by senior political leaders.中国投资公司的海外投资策略仍在不断变化,尚未正式得到政府高层领导人的批准。