



1.This post includes a collection of useful Cinema 4D tutorials that can takes your skills into a next level.这篇文章包含有用电影院4D教程,可以考虑你的技能到下一个级别的集合。

2.In this tutorial, Sven Hauth will discuss the task of facial animation, and the methods that Cinema 4D offers us to deal with it.在本教程中,斯文Hauth将讨论的面部表情动画和电影4D提供给我们对付它的方法的任务。

3.Besides, the hall has its owned circarama of earthquake taste, 4D cinema and training room of survival in earthquake.此外,该展厅建有地震体验环幕影厅、4D影院、逃生演练培训教室。

4.Basic Cinema 4D knowledge is required for this tutorial!对于本教程,基本看电影4d知识为必填项!

5.Moviegoers at Baghdad's first 4-D cinema get an extra thrill from shaking seats and wind machines during a 3-D sci-fi film.电影爱好者们在巴格达首个4D电影院观看3D科幻电影,观众可以通过影院提供的摇动座椅和风声器获得特别的感官刺激。

6.In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to configure Net Render with Cinema 4D.在此视频教程中,您将学习如何配置与网络渲染四维影院。

7.Here is a tutorial shows how to create the candy wrapper using clothilde in cinema 4D.这里是一个教程演示如何创建在电影中使用西德的糖果包装4D。

8.Part 2 In this tutorial a simple rig is created, for folding up the carton, using the bone deformer, that is included with Cinema 4D R11.第2部分在本教程中一个简单的钻井平台创建,为折叠,纸盒,用骨变形,这是与电影包括四维R11。

9.CINEMA 4D is a great option for building these kinds of characters and it offers a variety of tools we can use to create our model.CINEMA4D的建设是一个伟大的人物这类选项,它提供了各种工具,我们可以用它来创建我们的模型。

10.For example, Shenzhen Huaqiang 4D movie, GDC digital cinema playback systems.比如,深圳华强的4D电影、环球数码的数字影院播放系统等。