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网络释义:创造性钉设计(Creative Nail Design);核裁军运动(Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament);核裁军(a conference on nuclear disarmament)



1.核裁军运动(英国反核运动组织)Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (a British organization whose aim is to persuade countries to get rid of their nuclear weapons)

abbr.1.(=Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)核裁军运动

abbr.1.(=Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)

1.创造性钉设计(Creative Nail Design)CND(Creative Nail Design)是美国著名美手、美足品牌,创建于1979年,下面是CND(Creative Nail Design)官方网站的介绍: F…

2.核裁军运动(Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament)这个标志是按照“核裁军运动CND)”领导人伯特兰·罗素的要求,由运动的参与者Gerald Holtom设计,作为抗议1958年在英国 …

3.核裁军(a conference on nuclear disarmament)核裁军CND)3月期间,在古巴导弹危机中,美国的抗议行动1962年10月28日在伦敦,英国的运动的成员。 安装在美陆军防 …


1.To his embarrassment these days, Mr Blair himself was once a member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).让如今的布莱尔感到尴尬的是,那时候它还是核裁军运动的一员。

2.Her varied career began in an administrative capacity at the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in the late 1970s.1970年代末期,她在核裁军运动中显示了从政的能力,并从此开始了自己多变的职业生涯。

3.Each task can be encapsulated in a general-purpose CND.每个任务都可以封装到一个通用的CND中。

4.Polyethylene oxide(PEO) macromers with allyl-cnd group were synthesized by two different methods (initiating and deactivating).本文报道了合成烯丙基端基采氧乙烯大分子单体的两种方法(引发法和封端法)。

5.Most CND veterans see their peacenik days, at worst, as romantic youthful ideapsm.大部分CND老兵认为他们的反战生活至少当做是浪漫的年轻的理想主义。

6.It is worth remembering that CND was (and is) a legal organisation.值得提醒的是CND过去(现在也是)一个合法的组织。

7.It is worth remembering that CND was a legal organisation.值得提醒的是CND过去一个合法的组织。

8.A friend's husband-checkpst, when she was seven, included the legendary "must have blond hair and be a member of CND" .一位朋友7岁时列出的丈夫必备条件清单包括传说中的“必须拥有金黄色头发,必须是核裁军委员会(CND)成员”。

9.If you want to use CNDs in a system that wants mouse handlers, you need a way to convert CNDs into mouse handlers.如果想在一个需要鼠标处理程序的系统中使用CND,那么需要有一种方法将CND转换成鼠标处理程序。

10.Any call to the composite CND just calls the first CND, then calls the second one.任何对复合CND的调用都是先调用第一个CND,然后调用第二个CND。