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1.中国(China)不承认这个网站的域名的确不错顶级网址被屏蔽域名,沾上中国cn),沾上了萝莉塔(lolita),还有几个域名更适合做中国lolita界 …

2.国内统一刊号 .cm 喀麦隆 .cn 中国大陆 .co 哥伦比亚 ...

5.中国国家顶级域名 国际刊号: ISSN 2095-0985 国内刊号CN 42-1816/TU 电子邮件: xbcsbmail.hust.edu网址被屏蔽 ...


1.We recognize that this probably means that the company will have to close Google. cn, as well as our office in China.我们承认这很可能意味着公司将不得不关闭Google网址被屏蔽,以及我们在中国的办公室。

2.The ability to concentrate on those issues at the heart of the negotiation is an asset the CN cannot afford to be without.全神贯注于那些谈判中的核心问题的能力应成为首席谈判不可缺少的素质。

3.During an online dialog on gov. cn, I said that I would like to see people with books in hands when in the metro.我曾在中国政府网在线交流时说过,我愿意看到人们在坐地铁的时候能够手里拿上一本书。

4.Meanwhile, a Google spokeswoman denied Chinese reports that the company had already decided to shut down its google. cn site.与此同时,谷歌否定了中国关于谷歌已经关闭谷歌中国网站的报道。

5.By month's end all web users trying to access Google. cn won't be able to perform a search on that site.到月底,所有的谷歌用户登录Google网址被屏蔽不能在那个网址进行搜索。

6.Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short.加拿大国家电视塔位于多伦多市中心,通常简称为CN塔。

7.Flaherty said Canadians would be very surprised to hear they own things like the CN Tower.财长说加拿大人听到他们拥有国家电视塔一定会大吃一惊。

8.He said he sees Top100 as a bridge and 'as a bridge, you cannot take sides. '他说,Top100网址被屏蔽是一座桥梁,既然是桥梁,你就谈不上站在哪一边。

9.She explained that she had overheard my conversation and wanted to help me find my virginity.她解释说她偷听了刚刚的谈话,现在想帮我找回被弄丢的“CN之身”。

10.For a while, users were automatically redirected from google. cn to unfiltered google. com. hk; they now have to click to get there.有一段时间,谷歌中国内地网站google网址被屏蔽的用户会被自动跳转至未经过滤的谷歌香港网站google网址被屏蔽.hk;现在他们必须通过点击才能转接至香港网站。