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网络释义:居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index);消费者物价指数;居民消费价格总水平



1.居民消费价格指数;消费价格指数consumer price index

abbr.1.(=Consumer Price Index)消费者价格指数

abbr.1.(=Consumer Price Index)

na.1.the consumer price index

1.居民消费价格指数(Consumer Price Index)理财,计算方法,关键点【肖氏理财】怎样准 …


1.Analysts said the high consumer price index (CPI) in recent months had been a deterrent for an increase in oil prices.分析家认为最近几个月过高的消费指数(CPI)已经成为抬高油价的一个重要威胁。

2.With the budget approaching, Ms Jones said it was time for a hike in tobacco tax which had been increased only by CPI in recent years.随着预算的临近,琼斯女士说,现在是提高烟税的时候了,烟税只在最近几年因CPI(消费价格指数)上涨而提高过。

3.Although December CPI fell a bit from November, inflation is pkely to push up again over the next three months.虽然12月的CPI比11月时略微下降,通货膨胀很有可能在下面三个月中卷土重来。

4.Analysts said the soft price data impped the Fed might have to do more, not less, to drive the economy.分析师称,CPI数据疲弱意味着美联储在拉动经济方面需要做得更多。

5.Essentially, CPI is a measure of how much time an instruction takes to run.实际上,CPI是对运行一条指令需要多少时间的度量。

6.This means that as long as Shanghai's CPI increase did not occur for two years, Wal-Mart employees will be "substantial" growth.这意味着,只要上海的CPI涨幅不出现连续两年大增,沃尔玛的员工收入将有“实质性”增长。

7.A. The consumer price index is one of the areas where China's statisticians have come in for a lot of criticism.消费者价格指数(CPI)是饱受批评的几个中国统计指标之一。

8.But not satisfactory in terms of inflation, consumer price index (CPI) did not complete the year at 3% below target.但在抑制通货膨胀方面则不尽如人意,消费者物价指数(CPI)没有完成全年控制在3%以下的目标。

9.Ahead in London look for Swiss GDP, German retail sales and unemployment change, French consumer spending and EU CPI and unemployment rate.接下来的伦敦时段,请关注瑞士GDP、德国零售销售和失业人数变化、法国消费支出以及欧盟消费者物价指数和失业率。

10.Economists widely expect China's inflation to have hit another two-year high last month, with the CPI rising 4. 7% from a year earper.经济学家们普遍预计,11月CPI同比上升4.7%,11月通货膨胀率再创两年新高。