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英文单词:慢性呼吸道病(Chronic Respiratory Disease);中隔壁;直肠扩张(colo-rectal distention)



1.慢性呼吸道病(Chronic Respiratory Disease)

5.文化娱乐休闲区围绕首都文化娱乐休闲区CRD)建设,重点发展文化创意、商务会展、休闲娱乐旅游产品,打造西部文化娱乐中心和休闲服 …


1.The fact that the CRD today is completely David Cameron's shows how much more he is master in his own house than she was mistress in hers.如今,大卫·卡梅隆已经完全展示了自己在这个部门里的主人身份,而她更像是这里的主妇。

2.The SQL Activity Summary Report process consists of three steps (CRD, load, report), which can be configured individually.SQL活动摘要报告过程由三步(CRD、加载、报告)组成,各步可以单独配置。

3.Processes are used to collect report data (CRD), load the data into the PWH tables and create a report.过程用于收集报告数据(CRD)、将这些数据加载到PWH表中和创建报告。

4.however, the mechanisms of accelerated calcification in CRD remain obscure, and no therapies can prevent disease progression.然而,慢性肾脏疾病(CRD)中促进钙化的机制仍然不明,没有治疗方法可以阻止疾病的进展。

5.A process consists of up to three steps (CRD, load, report).过程最多由三步(CRD、加载、报告)组成。

6.through the construction process simulation, ascertain the CRD program is more excellent excavation programs.通过施工过程模拟,确定CRD方案是较优的开挖方案。

7.The chronic visceral pain model was developed by colorectal distensions(CRD) irritation in neonatal rats.慢性内脏痛模型采用对新生幼鼠给予结直肠扩张刺激方法制备;

8.CRD mice had significantly higher serum phosphate, creatinine, and cystatin C levels than those without CRD.CRD鼠磷酸盐、肌酐以及半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂C血清水平明显高于未患CRD的鼠。

9.In addition to TIA's product-oriented divisions, the association also has a Communications Research Division (CRD).除了它的产品为导向的部门,该协会也有一个通信研究司(CRD)。

10.The SQL Activity CRD for Queries process is also based on event monitor data, but at the end, no report is created.SQLActivityCRDforQueries过程也基于事件监视器数据,但是最终不创建报告。