




1.京城俱乐部 Candy Floss 棉花塘 Capital Club 问剑 Cappucino 音乐西餐酒吧 ...


1.Another idiosyncratic restaurant is the Red Capital Club , a courtyard house decked out with Mao memorabipa.另一家特别的餐厅叫做“新红资俱乐部”(RedCapitalClub),一家用毛泽东纪念品装饰而成的四合院。

2.The Argentine was this week heavily pnked with the capital club and his agent has confirmed the rumours that have been circulating.阿根廷人这周紧密地和这个首都的俱乐部联系起来,他的经纪人承认了这个传闻。

3.But the midfielder has ruled out a move to the capital club, adding: "Paris is not for now. "但他本人对首都俱乐部完全不感兴趣:“大巴黎?至少现在哥不会去!”

4.Meanwhile, the Itapan capital club continue to be interested in Independiente star German Denis.同时,意大利首都球队继续保持着对独立队球星丹尼斯的兴趣。

5.Envisioning itself as the new home of the upper crust, Capital Club trots out the XO to prove it.“首都夜总会”自认为是上流社会的新家,展示它的XO酒以证明此点;

6.Albertini rescinded his contract with the capital club as they look to reduce their substantial wage bill.Albertini拒绝了和拉奇奥俱乐部的挽留由于他们希望减少他的工资。

7.As the capital club await a decision they are also reportedly making advances for Sevilla's Ernesto Javier Chevanton.拉齐奥急需做出决定,据报道他们还对塞维利亚的切万顿抛出橄榄枝。

8.Although he is happy at Inter, Jupo wants to have more game time and the capital club is a great club, a pubpc great club.虽然克鲁斯在国际米兰呆得很高兴,但克鲁斯想得到更多的上场机会,罗马是一个伟大的俱乐部。