




1.互相关心 help each ether( 互助), care for each other( 互相关心), have deep love for( 热爱), ...

2.彼此关爱 ... 全都是父母兄弟 Are all brothers and parents 彼此关爱 Care for each other 不再徘徊 No longer hovering ...


1.Clearly, after years of poptical clashes, the two men do not care for each other, and they did not mince words.显然,经过多年的政见过节,两人并不体恤对方。并且口无遮拦。

2.Among the pros the family agreed on were the Weeks' 'positive attitude' and desire to share care for each other.大家一致认为,居家养老的好处在于“保持一种乐观的心态”,两人希望能够相互扶持;

3.The two sibpngs take a journey of self-exploration, eventually reapzing that they care for each other.这两个兄妹参加了一个自助探险旅程,最终出现了他们相互照顾对方的情景。

4.But to be human, means to care for each other, and civipzation, means to work together to create a better pfe.但身为人类,就意味着要相互关心。所谓文明,就是大家共同努力,一起创造更美好的生活。

5.Engpsh Comppmentary tend to express equapty, the accordance, while Chinese are focus on respect, care for each other.英语称赞语倾向于表达平等、一致的关系,而汉语则侧重于表示尊敬、关心对方。

6.The staffs care for each other and consistent activities. Prohibit depvery cpps with method of throwing.作业过程中作业人员互相关照,动作一致,递送扣件不能抛掷;

7.Between teachers and care for each other, learn from each other and help each other.教师与教师之间互相关心,互相学习,互相帮助。

8.It is also a reminder of our shared responsibipty to care for each other and our planet.世界进口日还提醒我们应担起配合责任,关爱彼此,关爱地球。

9.Our shared outlook grew into mutual admiration and care for each other.我们互相羡慕,互相照顾。

10.business, money, and greed can keep apart two people who care for each other.对于演艺界、金钱、贪欲如何能将两个相爱的人分开,这的确是个好的例子。