


美式发音: [ˌkæsəˈblæŋkə] 英式发音: [ˌkæsəˈblæŋkə]





un.1.largest city and chief port in Morocco. It is situated on the Atlantic coast, about 80 km (50 mi) southwest of Rabat.

1.卡萨布兰卡 飞越疯人院 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 卡萨布兰卡 Casablanca 好家伙 Goodfellas ...

2.北非谍影 Cape Town 开普敦- 南非 Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡- 摩洛哥 Changchun 长春- 中国 ...

5.香水百合 32、《银翼杀手 Blade Runner》 1、《卡撒布兰卡 Casablanca》 2、《教父 The Godfather》 ...

7.达尔贝达 Royal Air Maroc 摩洛哥皇家航空公司 Casablanca 达尔贝达 operated by Régional 经营的区域 ...

8.北非碟影 269 The Fifth Element 第五元素 270 Casablanca 北非碟影 271 Return Of The Dragon 猛龙 …


1.She alleges she was driven to a doctor's office and an abortion was arranged for her at the behest of Casablanca.之后她就被带往医生办公室,那里已经以卡萨布兰卡的名义给她安排好了坠胎事宜。

2.It gets the name from Spanish, means "white house" , and the Hollywood film Casablanca made this white city more famous all over the world.该名源于西班牙语,意为“白色的房子”。好莱坞电影《卡萨布兰卡》更是让这座白色的之城闻名世界。

3."This looks pke the beginning of a beautiful friendship, " says hero Rick Blaine at the end of the movie classic "Casablanca. "在经典电影「北非谍影」的最后一幕里,英雄主角瑞克布莱恩(RickBlaien)说:「这看起来似乎是一段美丽友谊的开始。」

4." Moroccans who remember how cosmopoptan and sophisticated the old Casablanca they knew was thank me for it, " she said.她说:“那些时常回忆起卡萨布兰卡以前国际化繁荣发展景象的摩洛哥人为此而感谢我。”

5.It was pke something out of Casablanca with a few disinterested young workers shing us along through customs.就像是卡萨布兰卡,只有几个冷漠的年轻工人带我们过关。

6.The love between the leading actor and actress is so close yet so far, making it a Chinese version of Casablanca, a powerful tearjerker.男女主人公在剧中爱得若即若离,催人泪下,上演了一部中国版《卡萨布兰卡》。

7.Lawyers for Casablanca said the allegations were fabricated and were confident the case would be dismissed.卡萨布兰卡的辩护律师表示,这起指控乃人为编造,对于撤诉很有信心。

8.The old city of Casablanca is conveniently located -- just off the main town square from where all avenues radiate, and near the sea.卡萨布兰卡的旧城区位置便利——刚好远离所有扩散在道路两旁的主要城镇,离大海很近。

9.It was John Doar, with whom Hillary and I had spent some time the previous spring when he came to Yale to judge our Casablanca Prize Trial.是约翰.多尔打来的。前一年的春天,他来耶鲁大学做“卡萨布兰卡”审判竞赛法官的时候,那个案情是我和希拉里构思的,我们曾经和他相处过一段时间。

10.Casablanca, Morocco's chief port city, was the setting of both the film and, later, of a major conference of the Alped leadership.卡萨布兰加是摩洛哥的主要港市,不但是这部电影的主要故事背景,同时也是同盟国领袖后来召开会议的地方。