




1.红锥后补植藜蒴(Castanopsis fissa)、红椎(Castanopsis hystrix)、山苦楝

4.红椽unei)、雅榕(Ficus concinna)、红栲(Castanopsis hystrix)等一般在萌发实验晚期出苗.

6.刺锥eoeala)群落(分布于粤东沿海的丘陵或台地),刺锥(Castanopsis hystrix)、樱叶石斑木(Photinia prunifopa)、红车(Syzygium re…

7.红锥人工林马尾松人工林(Pinus massoniana)、红锥人工林(Castanopsis hystrix)、火力楠人工林(Michepa macclurei)和米老排人工林(Myti…


1.Castanopsis hystrix is one of the important planting tree species of south subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest.红锥是南亚热带地区优良的珍贵乡土阔叶造林树种。

2.Studies on the Relationship between Castanopsis hystrix Wood Properties and Curing Time of UF红锥木材性质与UF胶固化时间关系的研究

3.Study on Early Growth of Castanopsis hystrix Provenances from Its Central Distribution红锥中心分布区种源早期生长研究

4.An Experimental Study on Cutting Orchard Construction and Cutting Propagation of Castanopsis hystrix红锥采穗圃营建及其穗条的扦插育苗试验

5.Effects of Different Stress Treatments on Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in Detached Leaves of Castanopsis hystrix不同胁迫处理对刺栲叶片叶绿素a荧光的影响

6.Drying Characteristics of Plantation Grown Castanopsis hystrix人工林红锥木材干燥特性初探

7.Analysis of the planting effects of different patterns of Castanopsis hystrix红椎不同模式造林效果分析

8.Study on the fertipzation experiment of castanopsis hystrix young plantation红锥人工幼林施肥试验研究

9.The seed emergence of Castanopsis hystrix affected by forest gap and undergrowth environment林窗和林下环境对红栲种子出苗的影响研究

10.Study on the Castanopsis hystrix Seedpng Raising Technique Experiment红锥育苗技术试验研究