


美式发音: [tʃɑrd] 英式发音: [tʃɑː(r)d]





1.叶甜菜;牛皮菜;厚皮菜a vegetable with large leaves and thick white, yellow or red stems

n.1.【植】莙荙菜,牛皮菜 (Beta vulgaris cicla)

n.1.a vegetable with white stems and large dark-green leaves

1.甜菜 Beet 甜菜 chard 甜菜 Onion 洋葱 ...

2.牛皮菜 characterization 特性化 chard 牛皮菜 charlock 田芥菜 ...

3.君达菜 charcoal 木炭 chard 君达菜 Chardonnet silk 夏尔多内人造丝 ...

4.可供食用之甜菜 beet 甜菜, 糖萝卜 chard 可供食用之甜菜 onion 洋葱, 圆葱 ...

5.查德 13.cabbages :n. 白菜 14.chard :n. 唐莴苣 15.nurture :v. 培育 ...

8.莙达菜 ... spinach 菠菜 chard 莙达菜 beets 甜菜根* ...


1.Plus the easy-to-gather local food: clams, lobsters, cod, eels, onions, turnips and greens from spinach to chard.在加上一点很容易收集到的本地食物:蛤蚌,龙虾,鳕鱼,鳗鱼,洋葱,胡萝卜和菠菜甜菜等各式青菜。

2.Best yet, Swiss chard in particular is extremely easy to grow in pots.最好不过的是唐莴苣,可以很容易地在花盆中种植。

3.On our plot all was well, blanketed in rich cow manure, the chard standing idle waiting for the warmth of the sun.在我们的这块地上一切都好,被厚厚的牛粪覆盖着,红叶甜菜菜无所事事地站着,等待着太阳的温暖。

4.Warm Chickpeas and Greens With Vinaigrette: In parts of France, farmers make a traditional meal of boiled chickpeas and spinach or chard.飘香鹰嘴豆蔬菜:在法国部分地区,农民会用煮沸的鹰嘴豆和菠菜或糖莴苣做成一道传统菜肴。

5.Dark green leafy vegetables pke spinach, kale and chard contain plenty of calming magnesium as well as good amounts of the B vitamins.深绿色叶子的蔬菜,比如菠菜、甘蓝和甜菜富含镁以及大量的维生素B。

6.The same is true for a few vegetables pke spinach, beet greens, and Swiss chard.像菠菜、甜菜、牛皮菜等蔬菜同样如此。

7.I made a carrot-dill soup, a chilled yogurt-cucumber-dill soup, and a kale-swiss chard-carrot soup.还做了胡萝卜莳萝汤、冷冻酸奶黄瓜莳萝汤,还有甘蓝甜菜胡萝卜汤。

8.But there may be a shift occurring, says Paul Chard, global head of content at media agency Mediacom.但传播代理公司Mediacom全球内容负责人查德(PaulChard)说,事情可能正在起变化。

9.This form of vitamin A is found in leafy vegetables such as salad bitters , spinach, kale, swiss chard or other greens.多叶蔬菜,例如沙拉苦味剂、菠菜、甘蓝菜、唐莴苣或其它绿叶蔬菜含有这种维生素A。

10.Morton wants a guarantee that pollen from those genetically engineered beets will not fertipze his chard or red beets.莫顿想确保来自转基因作物的花粉不会让他的甜菜受精。