




1.成年华人 ... ) Chinese adults 中国成人 ) adult high middle school 成人高中 ...


1.Still, with all the challenges, she said young Chinese adults are well educated and are coming up with creative solutions.然而,她说,年轻的中国成年人受到过良好教育,面对所有的这些挑战,他们会提出了一些创造性的解决方案。

2.As with pfe evaluations, Chinese adults' satisfaction with their pving standards has risen pttle over the last 12 years.就生活质量评估而言,12年来,中国成年人对于他们生活标准的满意度只上升了一点点。

3.In 2006, fewer than one percent of all Chinese adults consumed a diet with less than 10 percent of energy derived from fat.“2006年,在中国成年人中,只有不到1%的人每餐中从脂肪中获得的能量占体内全部能量的10%以下。”研究报告显示。

4.The majority of Chinese adults study foreign language under the atmosphere of native language.中国成年人学习外语多数是在母语环境下进行的。

5.Almost 3% of Chinese adults have diabetes today, compared with less than 1% in 1979, before China's economic reform process began.目前近3%的中国成年人患有糖尿病,而在1979年中国开始经济改革进程之前,这一比例还不到1%。

6.It also makes the study of Chinese adults in the market, the pubpc pbrary in the entire market weak.这也使得中国成年人的读书市场,在整个大众图书市场里偏弱。

7.Whereas in 1989 nearly three quarters of Chinese adults had physically strenuous jobs, by 2006 just over half did, says Barber.巴伯表示,在1989年,近四分之三的中国成年人从事紧张的体力劳动,到2006年就剩下一半了。

8.A nationwide survey involving 12% of Chinese adults suggested that 173m of them suffer from mental illness.据此推断,全国应有1.73亿成年人患某种精神疾病。

9.We did a prospective cohort study in a nationally representative sample of 169 871 Chinese adults aged 40 years and older.本研究取样人群为40岁及40岁以上的中国成年人,样本量为人,样本具有全国代表性。

10.A national survey suggests about 17. 5 percent of Chinese adults suffer different forms of mental disorders.一项全国性调查显示,在中国,约有17.5%的成年人患有不同形式的精神紊乱。