




1.循环论证 ... classification 分類 circular argument 循环論证 clear and distinct 明晰/清晰/清晰明了 ...

3.循环论证的谬误 ... Cities are for people 控制车辆数 建宜居城市 167 Circular argument 环岛:交通管控新趋势 167 ...

6.循环的争论这样的质疑使问题变成了一个循环的争论(circular argument)。 再 者, 如果一个人并未进行如此的思考, 则Peters 所推演出的 …


1.So circular argument is always vapd and what tells you is that there got to be more to a good argument than vapdity.所以循环论点都有效,告诉你们,好论点,比为真有更多要有的。

2.The fallacy of circular argument: It occurs when the premises presume, openly or covertly, the very conclusion that is to be demonstrated.循环论证:把有待证实的关键性假设当作已经成立,即前提和结论实质上是一回事。

3.So here's an example of a circular argument: All whales are mammals, therefore all whales are mammals.这里有个循环论点的例子:,所有的鲸都是哺乳动物,所以所有的鲸都是哺乳动物。

4.So evolution is a theory of circular argument which is never proved.所以进化论是一种靠循环论证建立起来的理论,得不到证实。

5.Let's look at circular argument and come back and look at these again.我们来看看循环论点然后回来,再看看这些。