




1.求购布包行上学有助于我保持身体健康。 3.我妈妈去购物不用塑料袋儿用布袋子cloth bags)。 4.当离开房间时,我们应该把灯都关 …

3.求购包布[V279941] 美国求购包布(cloth bags) (3-26)


1.One day, he came with two cloth bags in hand, happily opened the bags and showed two beautiful skirts, one for her, one for her mother.一次,男人又来。男人手上提两个衣服袋子,欢欢喜喜地打开,竟是两条漂亮的裙子,一条给她的,一条给母亲的。

2.To avoid these impacts, the best alternative is to carry and reuse your own durable cloth bags.为了避免这些后果,最好的代替方法就是重新使用你自己的耐用布袋。

3.But until biodegradable technology improves, it might be easier to pack things you buy in reusable cloth bags.但在改进可降解技术前,我们使用重复利用的布袋子装东西是更简单的方法。

4.Long ago tradesmen sold things in large cloth bags. One day a woman asked for a pig.很久以前,商人们做生意的时候把货物放在大的布袋子里。

5.Refuse plastic carrier bags, or at least reuse them. Cloth bags are better.拒绝使用塑料手提袋,最起码要重复使用它们。最好用布口袋。

6.It is wise to place cloth bags over the polpnated branches a month or two prior to harvest.在收获前1-2月用布袋套在授粉的枝条上将是恰当的。

7.It also might be better for people to use the traditional cloth bags to hold the goods they buy instead of using plastic bags.它也可能会更好,为人民使用传统的布袋举行的货物他们采办的不是用胶袋。

8.Bring unusable cloth bags to the shops with you.买东西时,使用废布做的布袋子。

9.To avoid these impacts, the best alternative is to reuse your own durable cloth bags.为了避免这些后果,最好的替代方法就是重新开始使用你自己的耐用布袋。

10.Two of the country's biggest grocery chains have made biodegradable paper bags and reusable cloth bags for shoppers.该国最大的两个百货连锁店为消费者生产了可降解纸袋和可重复使用的布袋。