




1.沿海地区 Coal 煤 Coastal areas 沿海地区 Coastal development 沿海开发 ...

2.潮涌海岸 ... Fertile soil of Yellow River Plain 沃土中原 Coastal Areas 潮涌海岸 Splendid south China 锦绣华南 ...

3.沿海地域 ... 群岛 Archipelagoes 沿海地域 Coastal areas 沿海开发 Coastal development ...

4.海隅 海洋[ ocean] 海隅[ coastal areas] 海域[ sea area;maritime space] ...

5.沿海地匙 ... Cities、 mountains、、deserts 沙漠、 beaches、coastal areas 沿海地匙、 village、water fall …


1.The law mandating relocation away from coastal areas eventually became so unpopular that it had to be rescinded.规定从沿海地区搬迁的法律最后变得很不受欢迎,以致于不得不被废除。

2."Coastal areas, including the Yangtze river delta [around Shanghai] are greatly threatened by the rise in sea level, " he said.他指出,沿海地区,“包括长江三角洲(上海周边)在内,受海平面上升的威胁极大。”

3.There was only some pght industry and was no heavy industry in the coastal areas.除沿海有一些轻工业意外,几乎没有什么重工业。

4.Rao said the Andhra Pradesh Government has issued a warning for all coastal areas, to remind residents of the storm struck.拉奥说,安得拉邦政府已向所有沿海地区发出警报,提醒居民风暴来袭。

5.In the coastal areas of Guangdong the Buffet clam is usually called Huajia and is a very popular sea food.巴非蛤在广东沿海一带俗称花甲,是餐桌上常见的海鲜美味。

6.In the developed southeast coastal areas, some metropopses started to set down freeway network planning across the administrative regions.在东南沿海的发达地区,城市群之间开始编制跨行政区域的高速公路网规划。

7.From Canada to Tasmania, most coastal areas with sea grass beds, mangroves, or coral reefs can lay claim to a seahorse species or two.从加拿大一直到塔斯马尼亚,大多有海草丛,海榄,或者珊瑚礁的近海区域都生存着一两种海马科动物。

8.The traditional technology is still used in the coastal areas in Fujian, which needs protection as a nonmaterial cultural heritage.传统的水密隔舱造船技术至今在福建沿海地区还保留着,是一项应当大力保护的非物质文化遗产。

9.The new mission of the PLA navy is to protect our national interests in coastal areas and the high seas, not to engage in an arms race.中国人民解放军海军的新职责是保护我们在沿海地区和公海的国家利益,而不是投入军备竞赛。

10.Volunteers' cars and trucks that have enough gas are loaded up with people and goods for trips out to the storm-struck coastal areas.志愿者们的汽车和卡车有足够的天然气装载货物和人并能够前往飓风袭击的沿海地区。