




1.冷咖啡不能有冰块。英语也不甚好的吧员耸耸肩问:“那你是要冷咖啡cold coffee)吗?

2.冷的咖啡 ... 也只是别人的以为 Only thought of others 冷的咖啡 Cold coffee 我清醒着一再续杯 I awake with a cup adjourned ...

3.冻咖啡 热咖啡 Hot Coffee 冻咖啡 Cold Coffee 冻柠茶 Iced Tea ...

4.凉咖啡 Lemon with water 柠檬水 Cold Coffee 凉咖啡 Cold Coffee with Cream 凉咖啡加奶 ...


1.A cup of cold coffee and a coke. Ok, Wait for a moment please.一杯冻咖啡和一罐可乐,好的,请稍后。

2.We supply various baked snacks and cold coffee drinks as well as exquisite packages. Yoyo serves you sincerely on Beiping Road.提供各式烘培甜点及咖啡冷饮,并有各式精美套餐,悠游在北平为您服务唷。

3.Look for leaks by adding some food coloring (or even cold coffee) to the tank and wait a few minutes.要想知道有没有漏水,加一点食用染色剂(或冷咖啡)在水箱,等几分钟。

4.After I finished my supper, I began drinking cold coffee with my book open at page one.我吃完晚饭,开始喝冷咖啡,书翻到第一页。

5.Meanwhile, at Mr Alderson's workstation: "The one thing that stops my desk from being disgusting is that I actually pke cold coffee. "与此同时,奥尔德森说起自己的工作间时表示:“我的桌子没有变得那么恶心的原因,是因为我实际上喜欢喝凉咖啡。”

6.Well, champagne, and cold coffee for me.她要一杯香槟,我要一杯冻咖啡。

7.Mouth to blow cold coffee is very gentle, not ritual action.用嘴把咖啡吹凉,是很不文雅、不合礼仪的动作。