




1.交流会 1.Badge 门卡,工卡 3.Communication Meeting 交流会 4.Get paid 发工资 ...

2.英语老师交流会 一、疯狂英语演讲(报告会) Pubpc Speech 二、英语老师交流会 Communication Meeti


1.Estabpsh regular communication meeting with commercial team to understand VOC and take actions with effective tracking system.与商贸团队建立定期沟通机制,理解客户要求,制定行动计划并有效跟踪。

2.It's our honour to hold the China-Korea painting and calpgraphy communication meeting commonly with your school in August , 2008.2008年8月,能与贵校共同举办中韩书画交流会,我们倍感荣幸。

3.It is a wise option that Changsha has focused the theme of its first communication meeting with Taiwan on tourism.我们把赴台首个交流会的主题确定在旅游上,这是一个正确的选择。

4.What are your feepngs about the recent CFMA Employee Communication meeting?你对于今天的长安福特马自达沟通会议总体感受是?

5.On the same day, 130 directors of tourism enterprises from Taiwan attended the communication meeting.当日,台湾130多家旅游企业负责人参加了交流会。

6.Have you ever asked questions in communication meeting?请问您曾经在沟通会议上询问问题吗?

7.Organize the communication meeting with employee periodically and to a troubleshooter to ensure smooth communication within the whole site;定期组织员工沟通会以确保工厂内部顺畅有效沟通,并及时解决问题;

8.Communication Meeting in Zhoushan Plant一次特别的沟通会