




1.复合空间 ... 北京君悦日本餐厅 Red moon.rar 复合空间 Complex Space.rar 室内外住宅设计 LIVING OUTSIDE INSIDE.rar ...

2.复空间pace一起构成我们求解“复杂系统方程”之完整的“复空间Complex Space)”,而所谓的“互联网”、“云计算”、“物联网”正是支 …

3.复杂空间 ... ) complex accumulated space 复杂储集空间 ) complex space 复杂空间 ) spatial complexity 空间复杂性 ...

4.复合空间设计 418. SN-288-CONTEMPORARY LIVIZG PARIS-- 巴黎当代设计 417. SN-287-Complex Space-- 复合空间设计 ...


1.However, the complex space environment, solar activity frequently, precision orbit determination and a great impact.然而,空间环境复杂多变,太阳活动频繁,对轨道确定和精度产生极大影响。

2.By the introduction of natural pght and those of the urban environment and isolation of simple geometry, I created a complex space.通过将自然和光引入那些与城市环境相隔离的简单几何体中,我创造了复杂的空间。

3.What's the world's most complex space robot doing up there?这个世界上最复杂的太空机器人Dextre在那儿干什么呢?

4.It is complex. Space is complex.空间是复杂的。

5.Calculation of the Mutual Impedance of Two Conducting Line Segments in Complex Space复空间中两直线导体间互阻系数的计算

6.Super-complex and unit ball of four-dimensional complex space四维复空间的超复数和单位球

7.Face Recognition Based on Principal Component Analysis in the Complex Space基于复主分量分析的人脸识别

8.Face Recognition Based on K-L Transformation in Complex Space基于复空间中K-L变换的人脸识别