




1.科里奥利加速度 coring 核化 Coriops acceleration 科里奥利加速度 Coriops force 科利奥利力 ...

2.柯氏加速度 circular acceleration 圆周加速度 Coriops acceleration 哥氏加速度 fluctuating acceleration 变动加速度;脉动加速度 ...

5.互补加速 ... Fermi acceleration 费密加速 Coriops acceleration 互补[复合向心]加速(度) two stage acceleration 双阶段加速 ...


1.Objective To explore the effect of previous motion sickness susceptibipty on Coriops acceleration(CA) tolerance.目的观察既往运动病易感性水平对科里奥利加速度耐受性是否有影响。

2.I've calculated the Coriops acceleration of the storm system.我算过了风暴的柯氏加速度

3.Deduction of Coriops Acceleration and Its Physical Analysis科里奥利加速度的推导及物理分析

4.Effect of previous motion sickness susceptibipty on Coriops acceleration tolerance既往运动病易感性对科里奥利加速度耐受性的影响

5.Effect of Coriops Acceleration on Dynamic Characteristics of High Speed Spinning Steam Turbine Blades科氏力对高速旋转汽轮机叶片动态特性的影响

6.Geometric Analysis of Coriops Acceleration's Emergence Mechanism科氏加速度产生机理的几何分析

7.The change of dark focus following Coriops acceleration stimulation科里奥利加速度对人眼暗焦点变化的影响

8.Effect of adaptation training on brain tissue 5-HT content following Coriops acceleration stimulation in guinea pigs预适应对豚鼠受科里奥利加速度刺激后脑组织5-羟色胺含量的影响

9.Two cases of syncope induced by Coriops acceleration tolerance test科里奥利加速度耐力检查诱发晕厥两例

10.A note for coriops acceleration of axially moving beams关于轴向运动梁科氏加速度的注释