




1.疯狂之夜 [人像]小西 Child Photography [话剧]疯狂之夜 Crazy Night 小逆光 Backpght ...

2.是说这整个疯狂的夜晚 ... 「Where are you goinG??」 (你是要跑去哪里呢?) 「Crazy nighT是说这整个疯狂的夜晚 「Hurry、HurrY!!」 (快 …

3.狂欢之夜 Chapter 11 Bird’s Eye View of Weekend Life 周末生活大观 Unit 1 Crazy Night 狂欢之夜 Unit 2 Birthday Party 生日派对 ...

4.意思是说 ... 「Are you readY??」 (准备开始了嘛?) 「Crazy nighT意思是说, 「Danger!! dangeR!!」 (危险!!危 …

5.疯狂一夜疯狂一夜crazy night):搞笑嘛,还行。佛莱迪(Freddy):不知道是第几部了。


1.Voice Over: Play crazy night. Mother quietly back to the table to clear up clean.旁白:疯狂的玩了一夜。母亲悄悄地回来了。把桌子收拾干净。

2.When night fell, I have a few good friends to soccer bars, together through this crazy night.当夜幕降临,我约了几个要好的朋友来到足球酒吧,一起度过这个疯狂的夜晚。

3.Last nigth was a crazy night !最后一晚是一个疯狂的夜晚!

4.Checking your bank account the morning after a long, crazy night out and discovering you only spent $30.出去玩度过了一个漫长而又疯狂的夜晚,早上查账发现你只花了30美金。

5.a crazy night! a crazy night!狂欢之夜!狂欢之夜!

6.Halloween in China is a "crazy night" for young people now, according to Sheila Shi, a website editor in Beijing.北京某网站编辑SheilaShi说,万圣节在中国的年轻人中间已经成为一个“疯狂之夜”。

7.A: We're going to have a crazy night at a new disco pub. Are you coming?我们要去一家新开的迪斯科舞厅狂欢一晚,你要来吗?

8.oh , hey , sorry i ' m a pttle late . i had kind of a crazy night哦,你好,对不起,我有点来晚了我过了个很疯狂的夜晚

9网址被屏蔽e , romeo ! shall crazy night be soon arrived ! . . . - no来吧,罗密欧!疯狂的夜晚快点来临吧…-不

10.Another morning after, a crazy night before又一个早晨后又一个夜晚前